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Narrator's POV

After the talk with Elizabeth, Sebastian teleported in the forest covering the majority of his world.

The little pocket universe he had created to home his darling was small, barely five miles all the way around; you could go for a walk starting at the entrance and be at the backdoor within an hour.

The forest had all sorts of beautiful flowers and plants —all of them perfectly edible to humans, of course, so Ciel was never at risk— and an equally diverse amount of wildlife.

By diverse, Sebastian meant only beautiful creatures, he wouldn't want to distress his darling mate.

And since he controlled everything in this world, from the weather to the time to even the gentle waves in the streams, even the most deadly animals would be perfectly safe and kind towards Ciel.

Speaking of his beloved, Sebastian was very pleased with how the past year had gone, Ciel had fed him well with his fear for the first few months and now Ciel was an exemplar mate.

Most demon had to mentally torture their potential mates until they were perfect and submissive but Ciel was already perfect.

The blunette was so eager for love, safety and acceptance that he'd take it from anyone or anything that offered it.

Sure, Ciel came with challenges other demons likely wouldn't have to deal with but that was part of what attracted him so much.

He adored how dependent the little human was on him for everything from nourishment to fun.

Using his magic, he ran invisible hands over the sleeping boy's form, hugging him.

Instinctively, Ciel hugged back, nuzzling against his magic.

That was another reason why he was glad to have taken the advice of older demons; they had always told him to never mate with another demon, always choose a human.

At the time, it hadn't made much sense, after all wouldn't it be genetically better to breed with your same species?

But now he understood what they had meant: a demon mate will not love you the —for lack of better term— passionate way a human mate will.

Emotions —especially happiness and love— did not come naturally to demons, they were learned through consuming human souls, human flesh and human fear.

Any relationship between two demons would not be as...warm as the alternative, wouldn't be as happy, it would be purely reproductive and mutualistic.

But human mates gave a fulfilling sensation demons otherwise wouldn't get to experience.


Humming a bit as he walked, the demon looked for Vincent and Frances.

In the tiny world, there was very few places for them to hide —he had only created the hiding places for this purpose, after all— and he knew where all of them were.

He didn't even cheat and sent out magic to look, with the world so tiny there was no purpose to do it.

Eventually, he found Frances hiding in a hollow tree, her form mostly hidden by shadows.

Sebastian acted like he didn't see her, the false hope mixed with her fear would taste delicious.

He'd let them see he was looking for them, let them make it to two and a half days before he snapped the trap close and slaughtered them like the pigs they were.

And while he'd let them
Think they were winning, he'd still make them suffer.

While they wouldn't have to worry about finding food or clean water —as he had made the world safe for innocent little Ciel— the animals wouldn't be as nice.

While the animals would be playmates and friends towards Ciel, they would restlessly attack —but not kill— the humans he was hunting.

That's exactly how he found Vincent.

Like with Frances, he pretended not to noticing the human hiding —this time in a raspberry bush.

Snapping his fingers as he teleported away, he created a rabbit behind Vincent which promptly bit him.


Returning home, Sebastian walked up to the nursery and woke Ciel up.

"How was your nap, precious?" The demon asked, scooping the human into his arms

Ciel yawned, holding Bitter Rabbit in one hand while he rubbed his eyes with the other, "Goo', daddy."

Sebastian smiled, kissing his head, "That's good, darling. Are you hungry?"

The blunette nodded, nuzzling against the demon bony shoulder.

Carrying him to the kitchen, Sebastian used magic to create a simple dinner for the human: penne alfredo with garlic bread and chips.

He found it ironic —though Ciel didn't notice— the meal that had caused Vincent to get so mad that it caused them to become mates was Ciel's first meal in their permanent home.

Sebastian lovingly hand-fed Ciel, wiping his adorable face with a napkin between bites.

Borderline defiantly, Ciel picked up a crispy chip.

Waiting for the human to eat it, Sebastian was very surprised when Ciel pressed it against the demon's lips.

Sebastian chuckled and thanked him for it, but said he wasn't hungry.

That was a lie, he was very hungry, but explaining how he didn't eat human food but humans as his food would be too hard for an innocent mind like Ciel's to comprehend...

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