The Tower...

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Narrator's POV

Vincent Phantomhive was the only prisoner left alive; the demon refused to let him die just yet, claiming he was going to serve a very special purpose.

The man was forced to watch his son's daily life through the clock and the mirror, witness to the boy's growing stomach.


Nine months later, Ciel was cuddled up on the couch watching a movie with Lizzy.

Out of nowhere, the blunette cried out in pain, his shorts soaking wet as he yelled out for daddy's help.

Instantly, the demon arrived and took Ciel away up to a large bedroom.

Placing the human on the bed, the creature blindfolded him and then went into his true form to deliver the children, using the tentacles to assist the children through their mother's intestines.

Once six baby demons were birthed and set into a basket, Sebastian then returned the tentacles into his mate and retrieved the egg shells so Ciel couldn't get hurt.

"Is it done, daddy?" Ciel asked, his words hard to make out from his sobs of pain

"Yes, precious, you did so wonderfully." Sebastian praised, "Are you ready to see our babies?"

Ciel nodded, pulling the wet blindfold off.

The blunette looked at the basket, seeing six balls of black tar instead of infants, "Where are the babies, daddy?"

"These are them, darling, they're baby demons." Sebastian explained, moving the basket so it now rested on Ciel's lap

"Oh." Ciel softly muttered, "Are they boys or girls?"

Sebastian chuckled softly, technically demons where genderkess and took on the form they desired, but sweet Ciel didn't need to know that, "We won't know until they get bigger. For now they just want food and love from their mummy."

Ciel teared up, looking down at his flat chest, "But I don't have milky."

The demon kissed his head, "Don't worry about the feeding, my love, they have no interest in mother's milk. Until they get big enough to learn how to eat like I do, they are nourished with blood."

"B-Blood?" Ciel whimpered, scared the babies would eat him like he once thought daddy would do to him

"They won't harm you, darling, see they're purring now that they are close to you. They adore you, though they would happily 'nurse' from you if you were willing." Sebastian explained

Ciel shook his head, knowing daddy had sharp teeth and not wanting the babies to bite him since they likely would have the same, "But what will they eat?"

"Rest, precious, they'll be fed before you wake." The demon soothed, moving the basket away and tucking Ciel in with Bitter Rabbit


Once Ciel was snoring cutely, Sebastian took the basket of his offspring downstairs.

Passing where Lizzy was sat in the kitchen drinking from her dish, he approached the mirror and stepped inside.

Vincent was barely a shell of a man by now: his body filthy and his clothes rags, his navy hair greasy and matted and his one smooth face covered by a beard.

Smirking at the pathetic sleeping man, the demon summoned a hose and sprayed him down like one would a wild animal.

The final Phantomhive screamed as he woke, flailing uselessly as he tried to defend himself from the water.

The children were visibly excited at the scream, Sebastian suspected they could smell his marinated fear.

"You're day off purpose has arrived." The demon informed, dumping the basket of his offspring in the semi-cleaned man.

Vincent reined screaming as he was eaten alive, Sebastian setting the basket into the floor.

A minute or two later, the screaming stopped and the children slithered back to their basket.

Nothing was left of the human, not even bones.

The only sign the man had ever been there was the bloody water on the floor.

Once all six of his offspring were back in the basket, their tiny bellies full, he patted their 'heads'.

The one in the middle burped and out came a bone, by the size of it Sebastian suspected it was a femur.

Humming slightly, the creature left the mirror and returned to his mate.


A few days passed and Ciel recovered from the birth, once more able to walk and play without being tired.

While he had initially had been envious and confused by his newborns, Ciel quickly grew to love them.

They were so sweet and purred whenever he was near them, especially when he felt them without the basket.

The teen was actually distressed by the fact that he constantly got the identical looking babies mixed up so he asked daddy for six different colored ribbons.

Now, he could tell his babies apart and even named them.

Since he didn't know the babies genders, he randomly chose three to name after princesses and the other three after princes.

The baby with the pastel pink ribbon was named Aurora, the one with a pastel blue ribbon was named Belle and the one with the pastel purple ribbon was named Rapunzel.

Naveen was the baby with the pastel green ribbon, the baby with the pastel yellow ribbon was Flynn and the the final baby, who had a pastel orange ribbon was named Charming.

All of the babies were so sweet and playful with their mummy, even at their young age.

Their favorite way to take naps was to sleep rested on Ciel's bare stomach, instinctively knowing they were once there.


A few weeks later, Ciel smiled as he sat on the swinging bench in the garden, the little padded basket full of his six goo babies beside him.

He felt like Rapunzel and he loved it: he had his very own tower in the form of this world and his very own protective daddy.

And now he had a friend in Lizzy and a bunch of babies!

Ciel would never age physically or mentally in this world —not when Sebastian controlled every detail here— and he could spend eternity happy and little.

So, this small family of monsters with a human mother and human pet lived happily ever after.

The end.

Dulce Somnii: a Ciel X SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now