A meeting with.. The Dark Lord?

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"Are you sure you don't want to go with us to Germany?" Hermione's mum asked again as they hug goodbye. Hermione and her parents were out side the Leaky Cauldron. Her parents saying their last goodbye before they get into the taxi and heading for the airport, they were to fly to germany for a dental conference.

"Mum, you know I would love to go. But it would be silly to go and then have to leave. Hogwarts starts tomorrow" Hermione let go with her mum and turn to hug her dad.

" She's right, honey." Her dad hugged Hermione back. "She will be staying at the Leaky Cauldron so she'll be all right. Besides the worst that could happen is she will find too many books she wants and won't be able to decide which to read first." He laughed. "And it's her last year she does not want us to cramp Her Style."

"Oh dad" laughed Hermione.

"You're right " Her mum smiled placing your hand on Hermione's cheak. "Be safe honey and do wright us. Just make sure it's at night. We cant have a scare like the time when the owl smacked into your aunts window, nearly giving her heart failure."

"I will, I love you both" She smiled as her parents got into the cab and drove away her mum waving out the window.

Hermione stood there watching until the taxi turned the corner and they were gone. She then turned, grabbing her school truck and walked into the Leaky Cauldron. Inside was busy with students eating lunch after a days shopping, witches and wizards having a drink discussing various topics.
Hermione made her way to the bar where the wizened old bar keep Tom was wiping a glass as he talked to a small witch.
"Ah." Tom looked at Hermione then turing to pull a key from a drawer. "Here you are deer room five just up the stairs and down the hall." He places the heavy key in her out stretched hand.

"Thank you, Tom" Hermione smiled.

After settling into her room, Hermione decided to head down to Diagon Ally to explore the shops. Her and her parents went school supply shopping a few days ago so this allowed her to just wonder.
As she absent mindedly walked the cobblestone alleyway. Eventually She found herself in front of Flourish and Blots. Smiling she walked in. Making her way shelf to shelf peering at the titles, when she came upon a rather I interesting looking book. The leather binding was weathered and a deep crimson. She pulled it out and read the title which was written in sliver script. "A History of Unique Powers of Unique Witches and Wizards" intrigued by the title she made to open it.

"Oh Hermione I'm glad we ran into each other." Came a drawing voice Hermione knew to well. She tensed as she felt him stand next to her. Je had his wand tip pressing into her side was hidden under his folded arms.

"Do as I say and don't make a scene" he whispered then in a louder voice "I wanted to get help on my history of magic essay conclusion and you are just the person that can help."
He smiled, but it did not reach his eyes. There were people all around shopping not paying much minds to them.
"Remember do not make a scene we don't want you hurt now do we?" he whispered. "or any bistander?"

"Lets have a look at your essay and maybe I can help" She forced a smile she definitely did not want others hurt because of her.

"Great" He held out his arm for her. Hesitantly Hermione placed her hand on it and he guided her out of the shop and onto an alcove near the store and disappeared them away.

They landed in a log pathway surrounded by tall shrubs and in front of them was a large metal gate. Draco forcefully grabbed her arm and started dragging her toward the gate.

"Where are we going?" Hermione spat angrily trying to pull away from his grasp. With no bystanders around she decided to put up a fight.

"Don't try anything stupid" He drawled "There are two people behind us so you can't escape. Anyway the Dark Lord wants to see you in one piece." He looked at her and smirked. "Though I have to admit it just might be worth the punishment"

The two death eaters behind them laughed.

He pulled hard on her arm and continued down the path. The gate melting away before them and reforming after they passed. They made their way up the path to the large Manor looming in front of them.

"Wait? why dose Voldamort want to see me?" she hissed trying to pull her arm form Draco's tight grasp.

Drago flinching at the name, he ignored her and keep walking in silence. But all to quickly Hermione's struggling was getting on his nerves.

"Would you stop." Drago hissed. "The Dark Lord wants you unharmed. So calm down."

"That's easy for you to say" She spat. " Your not on the receiving end of a summons from a man who wants to destroy my kind and my best friend"

"Don't worry your kind will be alright" He smirked.

Before the confused Hermione can retort the front door of the manor burst open and there stood a tall pale lady with strait blond hair. She was elegantly dressed in dark robes.

"Is that you Draco? and Hermione? Did she come?" The tall woman spoke worry in her voice.

"Yes Mother, she's right here." Draco said giving Hermione a nudge towards the door. Mrs. Malfoy caught hermione as she stumbled through the doorway.

"Careful Draco" Mrs. Malfoy snapped. "The Dark Lord wants her unharmed. I am sure he will award you well for this." she turned her attition to Hermione "Are you alright?" Mrs. Malfoy looked at Hermione concerned.

"Yes. but wh-"

" Is that Draco with Hermione?" came a voice cutting Hermiones question off. there coming around the corner was Lucius Malfoy.

"Yes dear" Mrs Malfoy answered.

"Great The Dark Lord will be pleased, quickly Draco bring her to the study he is waiting for her."

"Yes father" Draco said and headed down the passageway "Follow me" he said over his shoulder.

"Go on dear" Mrs. Malfoy laid a on Hermione's shoulder giving her a gentle nudge.

Reluctantly Hermione followed Draco to the study where the Dark Lord waited for her.

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