The end of the 'Babysitting'.. Finaly!

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It took about two months to get the manor built back to its former glory. During that time each print of the Daily Prophet their lashings on Hermione grew more harsh. Hermione's rage at the Ministry and the Prophet grew so much that the Deatheater now have a house elf bring the morning Prophet to her and Voldemort, to save their self from getting burned.

Hermione and Voldemort both trained to control the Phoenix Flame. So far they found that they can disappear and reappeared in a burst of flames. Unlike apparating and disapparating they can do it even under wards. They can sing the sound that so far that they know strikes fear in any Deatheater that hears it. Though Voldemort thinks this is a waste of time to even think about learning, Hermione still practiced it. They too have found that they can lift large heavy loads with little to no effort, Charm people(Mostly People who prefer their gender). Lastly, to Voldemort's annoyance, Hermione found that she can shape shift into other people.

Her magic. She could feel how powerful she has gotten after the sealing spell was broken. She is able to to amazing wandless magic. So when she did use her wand it felt as of her wand would hum with the power and excitement of her next spell, no matter how mundane the spell could end up being. This feeling was exhilarating. Hermione cam only imagine how Voldemort felt him being already a very powerful wizard before the transformation.

But to Hermione's dismay Voldemort has taken up the habit to always be with Her, or if he can't then one of his Deatheater. The female being his choice(Except the one female Deatheater that Hermione convinced to go to the kitchen and sing to the house elves. Hermione had a good laugh at that) knowing that she can charm most of the male Deatheater. But what annoyed her more was that he almost always chose Bellatrix and or Narcissa for the job. Narcissa a bit annoyed to do 'babysitting' she is far more tolerable with her cold-shoulder and occasional sharp order; then the jeers and glares that a very jealous Bellatrix.

Finally having enough of Bellatrix jeers and Glares. She decided to ask Voldemort why she has to have a 'Baby-Sitter' where ever she went.
They sat in their new suit similar to the old one except there is now holding a few fire proofing spells on everything in hopes it wont ignite during one of heated love making or fights. Which happens less because they are getting better at controlling it.

"So why do you insist on giving me a constant babysitter?" She looked from her book. He paused writing. She can see his jaw clinch.

" What do you mean" He said in false surprise voice looking at her.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" she snapped. setting her book down on the table so she dose not accidentally  catch it on fire. "I'm talking about when I think I get a moment alone here comes Mrs. Malfoy with her snide remarks or Bellatrix with her jeers and glares. It's exhausting. Why do I have to always be watched?"

"Well your smart why do you think that's so" He asked calmly.

"Because one hates and the other pretends not to be afraid of me." Hermione annoyed glared at him.

"That's not what I met and you know it." He snapped. He to sat down the things in his hands.

"I just want you to admit it" She glared.

"Fine" he said through clenched teeth. "I do not need you to get the idea to run away"

Hermione laughed not a humor laugh but a cold laugh. "You have jokes"

He just glared at her.

"You honestly believe that I will run away" she said disbelieving. "Have you not seen this mornings Prophet?" She asked rasing her eyebrows. "The whole wizarding world is afraid of me. So afraid that I seem to become undesirable number one with a hearty reward. Do you honestly think I want to run into that waiting for me outside these walls?"

"One can never be too careful." He shrugged.

Hermione sighed in exacerbation. "Just please call them off. I need my sanity in tact."

He looked at her for a long moment. She have not made the attempt to run in the past three months, even when there were moments she had the opportunity to. With her immense power she could of by now.

"Fine I'll call them off. But if I find that you tried anything the punishment will be severe."

"Understood" Hermione gave him a curt nod and picked her book back up. Whispering she said "Thank you"

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