Her Final Decision.

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The weeks leading to Hermione's birthday, she was on auto pilot. Acting as normal as she can. Though in the back of her head she knew everyone of her friends will hate her when they find out the news of her.  She did hope they did not judge her to harshly.

Draco and the rest of his gang left her and her friends alone(That is when ever she was present). They all wanted to stay on her good side to make shure she did not tell Voldemort to torture them for the hate they gave her.

As the days passed she felt like the clocks were charmed to move faster than normal. But she kept up the facade. How she wished she could tell Harry, Ron or even Ginny. But she knew that they would stop her, try to reason with her that she can't go through with this. But she had to do this to keep them safe. To learn more about herself.

Then she got the idea. She will write Harry a letter explaining everything. Her Biological parents, Her curse, and a wish to tell her adopted parents she will be safe.

Dear Harry,
When you get this I will have gone. I just wanted to tell you the truth before the lies get to you.

She went on telling him about her family, the curse and her choice to mate with Voldemort.

So please Harry remember I am doing this to keep you all safe. A trade so to speak, my life for all yours. I just wish for you not to judge me to harshly and always remember you and Ron are brothers I never had and I love you both. Please make sure to tell my parents I am safe and that I love them so much.

Love from,

She stood looking at this letter as tears stung her eyes. She will be leaving today and send this off right before the portkey activates. Grabbing all her belongings which she placed in her charmed beaded bag and placing that along with Harry's letter and the soon to be portkey in her pockets. Made her way down to meet Harry, Ron and Ginny for breakfast.

"Morning" Hermione said in her fake happy voice.

"M-m-morrrning" Ron yawned as he got up from the arm chair.

They all made their way down the great hall for breakfast. Just as the sat down to begin to eat the owls came zooming in to deliver their morning letters or packages to their respectable owners. To no surprise an owl with an official letter in its beak landed on her plate of eggs. Hermione's hands shook taking the letter. She knew what it contained but knowing is different from actually seeing.
As soon as the owl was free from the letter it flew away. With shaking hands she opened the letter.

Dear Ms. H. Granger

After review of your score at Hogwarts School we found that you would be a good match to work at the Ministry of Magic and we would like to invite you to come in at 12:00 pm to take an assessment to see where you will best fit...

Hermione could not finish it it all began to blur in front of her.

"Are you ok Hermione?" Ginny asked looking up from her plate. "You look a bit pale."

"Yes" Hermione squeaked, then cleared her throat and said, "Yes its just a shock the Ministry wants me to work there and take an assessment to see what department I will fit in best."

"Let me see that" Ron tugged the letter from Hermione and quickly read. "It really does say that" he said in a shocked voice handing it to Harry to read.

"Well are you going to go?" Harry asked. After he finished he handed it to Ginny so she can read it too.

"I-I may just to see my options." Hermione managed to say. She slowly stood up. "I'm going to go to the library to look up my options" With that she quickly exited the Great Hall. Leaving the letter still clutched in Ginny's hand.

She took her time heading to the library. With it being a weekend she had no class, this allowed her to be able to hideaway in the libary until it was time to leave. When she was half-way there turning a corner, She ran onto someone.

"I'm so sorry I was completely lost in thought." Hermione said backing up from the person.

"No its fine Hermione." Draco said.

"Sorry again" And she made to walk around him but he cought her wrist stopping her.

"Did you get the letter from the Ministry yet?" He asked his voice surprisingly soft.

"I did" She said.

Draco nodded and let go of her wrist and continued down the corridor. 

She watched him turn the corner out of sight before She finished her track to the library. Grabbing a few books she sat in a secluded corner and began to read. And before she realized it was now 11:15am and she needed to get to the owlery to send Harry's letter and leave the school forever.

She arrived a bit out of breath five minutes before her portkey was scheduled to leave. She looked around.

"Hello Hedwig, Can you come down to deliver thus letter to Harry?" Hermione said softly to Hedwig. Hedwig ruffled her feathers and flew down to the window near hermione and held out her leg for the letter.

"Thank you Hedwig" Hermione smiled as she tied the letter to her leg. "Bring this to Harry. and give him my love"
She pet Hedwig who hooted and took off out the window.

After a second watching Hedwig flying, Hermione pulled the paper from ber pocket and looked at her watch. 30 seconds

The paper began to glow blue



Then that familiar pull forward in her navel area she was gone And reappeared in another room, she fell to the floor the portkey floating slowly to the ground.

"Just on time." A familiar hiss startling her.

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