Lets burn it all down.

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Realization struck her. He must have changed to. She conjured up a small mirror and handed it to him.

He gasped when he saw his reflection.
"I transformed to my younger self as if to match ages" He touched his face to make sure it was his.

"Do you think when you transformed that all of your soul cam back from the horcruxes?" Hermione then quickly clapped her hands over her mouth as if she let loose a swear word in a crowded church.

"How did you know about my horcruxes. No one knows" His hamdsome face contorted with rage. His wand flew to him and he rased it to curse her. But it was as if he forgotten how to cast the spell. He is face turning confused as he tried again.

"You can't hurt me now that we are mated" Hermione sat wide eyed with shock as he tried to do the curse again.

"How did you find out about them?" He asked through gritted teeth irritated he could not curse her.

"Other people memories..Dumbledore Told Harry about... He told me." She tried so hard to lie but the truth rushed out instead. "I cant lie to you"

Voldemort's eyed flashed but Hermione was saved a retort by someone knocking on the door.
"What?" He yelled angrily making Hermione flench.

"My Lord" A timid voice called out behind the door. "The Prophet. You asked for a copy of it this morning my Lord."

Seething and most likely wanting to take his rage out on someone. Voldemort stormed to the door. Swinging it open so hard that the man on the other side stumbled back in shock. Well anyone would be in shock to see a very attractive angry naked man swing open a door with such force one was surprised that the door stayed on its hinges.

"I was looking for the Dark Lord." The man said stupidly.

Hermione watching rubbed her down her face. It's like she could see the event that was about to happen play out quickly in her head.

"I am the Dark Lord and it would be best to get that through your thick head Goyle." Voldemort Said in a dangerous voice "Crucio."

Goyle fell to the floor yelling and writhing in pain. Voldemort lofted the curse and the man that lay panting on the floor slowly Rise back to his feet.

"Forgive me my Lord" Goyle mumbled.

"Now. What. Do. You. Want." Voldemort spat each work getting more angered with each moment he talked to the other man.

"My Lord the morning Prophet" sad another man next to Goyle keeping his eyes on the floor, holding the rolled up Daily Prophet to Voldemort.

Voldemort grabbed the paper from the other man and slammed the door so hard some debris fell from the burned wall. In any other situation Hermione would of bursted lout laughing but as she did not want to anger Voldemort any further she keep her lips sealed.
Voldemort unrolled the paper and read. the front page.

"Ahh" He said smiling "Looks like my mate made the front page this morning"

He handed her the paper.  As Hermione read she get more and more angry.

Wanted for questioning Hermione Granger(Peverell)
Ms.Granger(Peverell) is wanted for questioning by the Ministry of Magic. She was summoned to the ministry late yesterday afternoon for questions on her involvement with the Dark Lord. Afrer failing to show up to her summons. Ministry Auror's went to asertain her that same evening only to find that she was nowhere to be found.
Granger(Peverell) Has been suspected working with the death eaters and even close with the Dark Lord.
Our sources inform us that she has been undercover in the Disguise as a muggle-born to infiltrate Hogwarts and get more information on how to kill the chosen one, Harry Potter. In fact it is said that she is doing this in revenge for her parents. Who were killed by Aururs, for their involvement with the Dark Lord.
Granger(Peverell) is highly dangerous and should be (Continued on page 3).

Then the prophet Burst into flames from her uncontrolled anger.

"What a load of rubbish" she gritted her teeth.

"You were warned" He shrugged.

"You. Shut. Your. Mouth." she spat each word as the flames started and began to grow. "I WILL BURN THE WHOLE MINISTRY TO THE GROUND WITH EVERYONE OF THEM IN SIDE" she raged.

"DO NOT EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN" Voltemore roared back at her. He has never been talked to like that before but seeing her this mad was rather...
He to burst into flames his Flames growing higher and higher with as hers. He walked closer.

"YOU ARE NOT IN CHARGE OF ME!" She roared back at him, pushing him roughly against the nearest wall knocking the air from him momentarily. This causing the wall to catch on fire with contact.

"DO NOT DARE TO TELL ME WHAT I CAN OR CAN NOT DO"  She yelled jabbing her finger into his chest.

"I WILL AND YOU WONT STOP ME." He roared back and turned her so now he had her pinned to the wall with such Force making Hermione bang her head so hard that she momentarily saw stars.
They stared angrily at each other for a few moments as a flame slowly rose around them. Then their lips crashed into a passionate kiss.

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