A Talk with the Dark Lord.

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Hermione got up from the floor dusting herself off, and looked around. The same room she met Voldemort in last time. But instead he was on the other side of the room in a chair next to the fire.

"Yes," She sighed. " I'm sure the Auror's are storming the castle now looking for me"

"I'm sure they are" He gestured to the chair next to him. "Sit."

Without a word she went to the chair and sat. They sat in silence for a while, Voldemort studing her while Hermione just stared at the fire lost in thought about the letter and what her friends were doing now. They will be finding out about me and what other lies they come up with. Hermione thought buttery. Soon the sound of a hurried knock on the door cut Hermione from her thoughts.

"Enter" Voldemort hissed.

A figure in dark robes scurried in and stood in the middle of the room facing the two at the fire. Hermione keeping her eyes on the fire listening.

"My Lord" The figure bowed, Hermione's eyes immediately jerked to the figure. Hatred immediately boiled to surface. She wanted so much to grab her wand and throw whatever hex or curse came to mind.

"What is it Wormtail?" Voldemort hissed clearly annoyed.

"My Lord I was just informed that the Ministry is now searching for the girl." His eyes darted to Hermione and quickly back to the floor in front of Voldemort. "They will be sending warnings in the Daily Prophet and wanted posters will being placed in all wizard inhabited areas."

"It seems you have become popular Hermione dear" Voldemort laughed coldly. Causing both Hermione and Wormtail to flinch. "Good now leave us"

Wormtail quickly left the room and Voldemort looked to Hermione.  He studied her for a moment as she stared at the spot that Wormtail stood. 

"Do you have any questions?" Hermione looked into his pale face. "Feel free to ask I will answer what I can."

"Why did you-" She paused her cheeks turning a bit pink with embarrassment.

"Why did I choose to become your mate?" He finished.

She nodded.

"Power, Immortality." He said. "And like you a thirst for knowledge"

"Right. I thought as much" She sighed.

"Just don't expect love to come from this" He spat the word love as if it tasted bad in his mouth. "It is only Phoenix flame I'm after."

"That thought never crossed my mind" Hermione said truthfully. Honestly that thought was never in the deciding factor. She didn't even think he had a hear to love with. The only thing that troubled her was how was she going to ignore his terrifying face while mating. But she will do it to keep her friends safe no matter how hard it may be.


"Can I just ask one thing from you?" Hermione said before losing her nerve. He just looked at her, so she went on. "Can you promise not to go after my friends Harry and the Weasley's."

Anger flared in his eyes at the mention of Harry. "Fine. But if they attack or are where my death eaters happened to be," He paused. "Fulfilling orders I have no control on if they live or not."

"Thank you" She said in a tiny voice. She knew that is as much as she can get and them not being hunted down was a good option.  "Do you know what will happen when the curse is let free? I mean the transformation, will I change physically, mentally and or will it just happen magically speaking."

"I too am not sure there is not a lot of information on the subject. But from what I have put together from the pureblood families, There may be a change physically as well as magically. Not much is known on the mental status of the person with the Phoenix Flame. Some say you become vela like, beautiful and frightening. Some say you just become extremely attractive. But nothing on the details on what exactly will change, like eye color, hair color, body shape, the mind."

"Yes I have heard similar stories" Hermione said. "Would- I mean if you did not mind could maybe we make a Journal. To record our findings about the curse. It would be quite interesting gathering what happens to us both and looking at it analytically. With that maybe we can answer questions and test ourself's. Not only will we learn but people with this curse will have more to go on and maybe people wont be so frightened of having it or of people who have it."

"Yes I think we should. If we compile all the information and compare results of the Phoenix Flame then I think we will have a better understanding on not only how to control it better but know the limits that it may or may not posses. " He paused. "And do stop calling it a curse, see it as a gift. An extension of you and your magic."

Hermione nodded. "So how will this work, the whole mating thing" Hermione said stumbling over her words embarrassment quite evident in her voice.

"We have sex" He said in such a casual voice its like he was stating a fact like the sky being blue.  Hermione blushed and looked away gods dose anything phase this man. "Are you still a Virgin?" He asked in the same casual voice.

"Yes" Hermione said in such a low voice that Voldemort almost missed it.

"No that's good" Hermione's head shot up. "Many magical ceremonies become stronger and powerful when the caster is pure so to speak."

"So in this case I am the caster?"

"Yes you are essentially casting some of your powers on to me."

Hermione nodded. At that moment a knock sounded.

"Enter" Voldemort hissed.

The door opened slowly and Mrs. Malfoy came im and stood where Wormtail was when he addressed Voldemort.

"My Lord" She bowed. keeping her eyes down cast. "Everything is ready"

"Good" He turned back to Hermione " Narcissa, will show you to our room. Eat and rest Because at midnight the Phoenix Flame will awaken and you need your strength for that."

Hermione nodded and left the room with Mrs. Malfoy.

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