Tom and Dumbledore have a chat.

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Voldemort arrived at Dumbledore's office. Dumbledore looked up from the parchment he was reading.

"Has everything went to plan?" Dumbledore asked setting down the parchment.

"So far." Voldemort said.

"Please Have a seat Tom." Dumbledpre gestured to a chair in front of his desk.

Voldemort sat. They looked at each other as if sizing one another up. Soon Voldemort spoke.

"I have a favor to ask of you." He said cautiously.

"And what is this favor" Dumbledore smiled pleasantly.

"When Hermione is free. Will you allow her to take summer school and allow her to take her N.E.W.T.s?" He's asked.

"That will be up to Hermione but I think we can allow her to."

Voldemort gave a sigh in relief. "Thank you Dumbledore."

"What is Hermione to you?" Dumbledore asked curiously.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean do you love her?"

Voldemort stared at Dumbledore. Who in turn watched as Voldemort's face showed a variety of expressions. Anger, Confusion then defeat.

"I-" He began but stopped and cleared
his throat. "The transformation has changed a lot about me and as I got to know Hermione I grew more attached. So much that when she went missing it was like- Like I could of ripped the world apart until found her."

"I saw as much while everyone was planning to get her out." Dumbledore said.

"Its like a-a pain in my chest" Voldemort sighed. "Its taking a lot of will power not to go there and get her. I know she would get angry at me for that. "

"That is what we call love." Dumbledore said knowledgeable. "Now Tom I would like to offer you a chance to start anew if your willing to take it."

"And what is that?" Voldemort grabbing onto the change of conversation.

"I want to offer you a job here at the school."

"A job." Voldemort sat up straight, intrigued what's the matter.

"We have a open position here because Professor Slughorn wants to retire. So I would like you to have the post of defense against the dark arts teaching position." Dumbledore said. "I have seen how you have grown and I think your ready for the job. That is if you still want it"

"Really?" Voldemort asked a look of disbelief etched on his face. He could not believe it, having the opportunity to take a job he so desperately wanted ever since the idea came to him.

"Yes we can make accommodations for you to have a room here or in the village if you like."

"What about Hermione if I choose to stay at the castle can she be able to be with me?"

"Yes she can." Dumbledore nodded smiling.

"That's wonderful. The things in can teach the students. And having Hermione there will make it perfect. I can bounce ideas off her." He looked back at Dumbledore who was smiling at Voldemorts excitement. "One thing. If a student is blesses with the Phoenix Flame like Hermione is. I would like to have the opportunity to teach the kid how to control and embrace the Phoenix Flame."

"Very well. I can allow that." Dumbledore said. "But the Ministry may say otherwise."

"Thank you. I don't want anyone to grow up being afraid to have the Phoenix Flame" Voldemort said. "I am sure Harrys involvement in killing me will persuade them to allow people with that gift to decide."

"Can you tell me about the Phoenix Flame and the Powers you and Hermione have?" Dumbledore asked.

Voldemort nodded and began telling Dumbledore about the transformation that Hermione and him went through. The powers that are shared, and the powers only Hermione possessed.

"..We been journaling everything we have learned. Hermione and I want to gather as much as we can. One day she wishes to take all the information that we found and publish it onto a book. To allow others to know more information about the Phoenix Flame, to better educate the wizarding world so to speak."

"I see how that will be beneficial to us all." Dumbledore said. "Hermione was wise to think that."

They lapsed into a moment of silence.

"I Love her Dumbledore." Voldemort said surprising Dumbledore. "I dont know what I would do without her."

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