Harry talks to Voldemort Talk, And lives to tell the tale.

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They apperated back to Hermione's and Voldemort suit. Voldemort reading the book Hermione had been before she went to talk to Harry.

"Voldemort" Hermione said.

He looked up and imedetaly his eyes went to Harry and annoyance crossed his face. He sat down the book and stood up.

"I just wanted to ask if your ok with me bring Harry back home?" Hermione asked rather bravely Harry though.

"And why did he have to come for that?" He asked.

"I wanted to talk you actually" Harry said shocking both Hermione and Voldemort. "I think we have a lot to get off our chest."

"Harry I don't-"

"Very well leave us Hermione" Voldemort said calmly. "We do need to talk."


"Please Hermione let me talk to him" Harry giving her a reassuring smile.

"Fine but if I hear anything, loud voices or fighting" She pointed at them in turn. "Lets just say it wont be pretty."

With one last glance at the both she reluctantly left the room. During their time in the room Hermione Pace back and forth in the hall in front of the suit door. Her nerves were at their limit. it was almost an hour when finally an unharmed Harry opened the door and stepped out into the hall way. Hermione ran to him embracing him. Then smacking him in the arm.
"Ow" Harry rubbed the spot of her attack. "Why-"

"How dare you do that to me" Hermione snapped. Cutting him off. "I was so worried you two would try to kill eachother."

"Its alright now" He smiled reassuringly. "We just talked."

"About?" Hermione prodded.

"Well about the prophecy. Him killing my parents. Me destroying one of his horcruxes. Also informing Him I was one he made by mistake. that we both agreed that after.. well.." Harry turned a bit pink in the cheeks. "Any way we think his soul fragments in each horcrux went back to him. We also discussed his rein of terror upon the Wizarding world and how he would like to stop but is afraid of losing you. Hermione I think he may be in love with you." He finished looking at her trying to judge her reaction.

Hermione looked at him blankly. Then burts into a fit of giggles. Harry just stood there giving her a worried look.
"Don't be silly" Hermione out of breath from laughing. "There is none of that"

"Are you sure?" Harry asked.

"We agreed that Love was not part of this" She sighed.

"If you think that, but I do believe he dose. And part of you does to." Harry said. "Now lets go before I miss Supper." Harry smiled. Hermione grabbed his hand and they disapperated and apperated in front of the Burrow.

"Good bye Harry" Hermione said dropping his hand.

"Wait" Harry grabbed her hand again. "Where are you going without telling everyone hi?"

"They don't want to see me Harry" Hermione sighed sadly. "Its one thing being convinced that I am innocent I'm believing it to versus actually seeing me. I'm sure they are scared of what I am now"

"Hermione don't. They all would love to see it has not changed you and to know you are alright"

"Alright but I am out of there with the first sigh of trouble."


The two walked to the door of the Burrow. After an encouraging smile he knocked. There was movement behind the door then Mrs. Weasley reveled herself.

"Oh Harry dear. We heard you were captured." She hugged him. "I am glad your alright."

She turned to Hermione who braced herself for the worst. Mrs. Weasley Grabbed her and gave her a huge hug. "I am so sorry you had to go through that, all to protect us. We are really touched and grateful you would do that for us." Mrs. Weasley let go of Hermione and held her at arms length. "A bit peaky you need some food. Come in Supper is about to start."

She moved aside and let a bemused Harry and a relived Hermione through.

As soon as they entered the kitchen everyone went quiet. Then everyone bursted into talk, Getting up to see Harry and Hermione.

"I'm glad you two are alright." Mr. Weasley said thumping the pair on the back.

Ron smiling giving Hermione an awkward hug. "I'm sorry"

"No I should apologize for not telling you all the truth."

"Glad your ok" Fred and George said as they both hugged Hermione at the same time.

Bill smiled and shook her hand.

Flur hugged her calling her brave.

Ginny hugged Hermione "Im so glad your safe. But please never do that again without telling us, infact dont do that again. You should of not done all that alone no matter what."

After everyone greeted her and Harry they all tucked into an amazing meal made by Mrs. Weasley. They cought her up on what's been happening. And soom they were asking about her.

So she told them about how Voldemort summoned her and told her about the Phoenix Flame and his intentions. And she chosen to go through with to save all of them. She told them about Voldemort and her findings and what they have learned so far about the Phoenix Flame. That some of the powers were hers alone. She told them about the two Deatheaters she convinced to do funny things.

Soon the conversation shifted to Harrys story. Where he was asked to come in to see Hermione. Then his talk with Voldemort.

"He told me he wanted to stop his rein on the wizarding world. But is afraid because he dose not want to lose Hermione. He has changed not only physically but I think mentally too. I believe that he is in love with Hermione."

A collective gasp spread throughout the room after Harry stated his observation. This causing all eyes on Hermione.

"That's just his theory" Hermione scoffed feeling her cheeks going red."Voldemort dose not love me."

"With everything you two said about it it sounds that way" Mrs. Weasley Said gently. "I have heard that the mating process is made easier and safer if the couple are soulmate."

"He is changing I see that but he can't be in love.. He just cant" Hermione said this time with less certainty.

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