Chapter 6

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Heyller! Sorry I havent updated in forever! I will try and update soon! Anyway this chapter is a bit long. :) thanks for reading!!

 Pic of Camryn and Zoi on the side>>>>>>>

(Tell me if i make mistakes!)


*Camryn's P.O.V.*

I woke up on my back. It took me a moment to realize where I was. Oh yeah, I was in London in a guys bed. Wow I have known him for like I think now maybe 24 hours. I'm going to get raped if I keep this up. I mean Ezra wasn't going to do anything to me. I could probably take him any way. No I couldn't. I'm a twig. Any one could take me, if I tried to fight back a man could probably stop me with one hand. I need self defense classes. I heard Ezra move closer to me and moan lightly. Not gonna lie, I was happy he was next to me. We were kinda sideways spooning. It was surprisingly comfortable. Even though I barely know him, it just felt right. He was on his side and I was on my back up against his warm body. I just decided to try and fall back asleep. I could feel eyes on me though. I opened one eye a little, enough for me to see but not for him to notice. I could see his electric blue eyes staring at me.

"Stalker" I said with a soft morning voice that surprisingly was not terrible.

"Your awake?" His morning voice was low and scratchy, super sexy.

"No I'm sleep talking"

"Funny joke. How long have you been awake?"

"About 10 minuets. What about you?"

"Maybe 15"

"I like this bed, it feels like my bed."

"That is boss. This feels like mine at home."

"Lets go get breakfast."

"What time is it?"

"Umm," I said getting up and looking at my phone, "9"

"That means it is about...2am in Colorado."

"I guess I'm not calling my mom"

"I'll get dressed then we can go."

"Okay we have to go to my room to thought"

"I'm hungry just wear one of my shirts."


"I have skinny jeans"

"Fine, where are they?"

"Here" he said trowing me gray skinny jeans and a Hollister shirt.

"I call bathroom."

"Hurry i'm hungry!"

"Okay" I yelled back walking into the bathroom changing. I actually didn't look awful. The pants were a little big. I put on my ugg boots that I wore over here and walked out. (picture ------> the model is not camryn! just the hair)

"Hey mind if we match? Or would that be weird?" Ezra yelled at me.

"No! That would be amazing!" I said back very quickly, blushing madly, i must be the shade of a tomato.

"Do i look good?" I said walking out to see had the same outfit on but his shirt was red stripped and mine was blue.

"Wow, not as bad as i thought."

"Thanks? You don't look to bad your self."

"Put these on." He said handing me a beanie and sunglasses.

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