Chapter 7

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*Camryn P.O.V.*

We were in a tiny shop looking at clothes. We had bought mostly souvenirs to give to people at home. The whole time we were talking about Matty and Ezra. Zoie kissed Matty! I hope they go out he is just her type. I kinda like Ezra but he would never ask me out. We were now heading back to his aunt's shop.

"We should just hang out with Matty and Ezra the whole vacation!" Zoie said.

"Fine by me."

"I love that song."

"Me too."


"Oh god stop! My ears are bleeding." I said covering my ears.

"Why are you so mean to me? All I have done is give you my love! We are over!" She screamed running into Ezra's aunts. People were now just staring at me so I screamed back.

"Wait! Babe I didn't mean it. I love you!" I said following her into the shop. We burst out laughing when we got in there.

"It's okay Zoie. You don't need that jerk. You have me." Matty said hugging her and playfully glaring at me.

"Babe I'm sorry! Take me back!" I said to Zoie. Matty just tightened his grip on her.

"Is Zoie crying?!" Ezra said running over to Zoie and looking at her. I guess he didn't hear us outside. We all burst out laughing, while Ezra just stood there looking confused.

"I told her she had a terrible voice so she ran in her crying." I said to him.

"It was a joke and we were on a roll, till you interrupted" Zoie said then punched Ezra on the arm.

"You're such a screw up!" I woman's voice yelled from behind us. We all turned around to see a woman and a little girl. The woman looked to be about in her mid to late 20's dressed in a lose work shirt. She had brown hair and saw dust in her hair that was pulled back into a lose messy bun. The little girl had on a pink tutu and her blonde hair was in a lose curly bun. She was probably 3 or 4.

"Does no one love me?" Ezra said.

"I wuv you!" The little girl said said running into Ezra's arms.

"Thank you Breanna! I love you too!" He said picking her up and hugging her.

"Aunt Mel, this is Camryn and this is Zoie! The girls I was telling you about. The ones we met on the plane." Ezra said pointing to me then Zoie, putting Breanna on his hip.

The woman walked over to Zoie turned her head then walked over to me and turned my head the same way then looking me straight in the eye.

"Oh Ezra you made them sound so awful! These girls don't have ratty hair or crooked teeth and horrible faces! And that one looks like you!" She said pointing to my outfit, "That was no way to talk about these beautiful girls!" She said turning around to look at Ezra and put her hands on her hips. Zoie just stood there shocked and I looked into his piercing blue eyes that seemed a shocked as ours.

"Aunt Mel, I didn't say that!" He said still looking at me.

"Yes You did." The little girl said looking at Ezra.

"Ha Ha. Thats my girl!" Aunt Mel said high fiving Breanna.

"I didn't say that! She is joking." Ezra said looking at me with embaressment in his eyes.

"Oh, now I see how it is." I said walking over to him, there was just inches separting us, "Well I believe you are not innocent. Now don't give me that look and never leave your phone unlocked when I'm near you." I said leaning towards him so there was only an inch between us. Then I turned and looked at Zoie and gave her a 'I'll tell you later look".

"Umm..." Ezra just stood there stuttering and blushing.

"OOOO Ezra! Wes wins!" Breanna shouted and held up her little hand for me to high five it. After I turned around and walked over to where Aunt Mel was standing and high fived her. Then I went and stood by Zoie and Matty.

"Well hello girls! I'm aunt Mel and this is my daughter Breanna. Now I hope you don't mind helping us. But if we get this done sooner the more time you have to hang out!" Aunt Mel said breaking the silence.

"That's fine by me!" Zoie said looking at me.

"No not again." I said glaring at her. Every one laughed.

"Okay let's go up stairs! I need a room painted!" She said walking up the metal stairs.

"Um can we get some clothes to put over these?"

"Sure thing hun."

"Thanks." I said walking into a medium sized room. We could probably get this done in an hour. She already had the plastic down and the paint out.

*Matty's P.O.V.*

"Okay teenagers, I will get you all paint shirts after I take a picture of you two and send it to your mother!" Aunt Mel said pulling out her iPhone a taking a picture of Camryn and Ezra. Camryn had her hands around Ezra in the first one, the second one they were looking at each other, and the third one Ezra had his arm around her shoulder. I was making faces behind Aunt Mel. Zoie found it amusing.

"Me and Zoie are going to go get the paint shirts!" I said walking into the in the room grabbed them and turned around then ran into Zoie. I was bigger that her so she fell on the ground.

"I'm sorry i didn't know you were there." I said between laughs.

"What do you mean? You said that 'me and Zoie were going to get the shirts'! So I came with... Jesus Christ you have a rock hard chest."

"Thanks?" I said holding out my hand to help her up.

"Come on lets go paint." She said walking out of the room. I just followed her laughing.

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