i, aang, take thee katara (dual povs) part one

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𝚔𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚊'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟

My throat is dry. Every breath squeaks out like a harsh breeze eroding the calloused surface of a rock. I was anticipating nervousness, but not like this. After all, shouldn't I be overflowing with joy and excitement? Well, I guess I am, but the nerves are winning at the moment. Getting married is happiness, anxiety, and anticipation all jumbled into one tangly mess. I rub the smooth carving on my mom's necklace for comfort. Something about the dips and curves of the symbol are calming.
"Katara?" I hear my dad's voice behind me. I turn around to see him in typical Water Tribe formal attire, which is still a strange sight. I decide to flash him a quick smile, which clearly wasn't very convincing.
He frowns before asking, "What's wrong?" I can see the creases in his forehead deepen.
"Nothing," I let out a giggle, "just anxious is all." His face instantly softens.
"Come on, you know I know you better than that."
A small smile begins to bloom on my lips.
"You know I really love Aang, right?"
"Yes, of course. I'd be worried right about now if you didn't." His hearty chuckle echoes in the candlelit hallway. A muffled sigh escapes me.
"It's just that-" I cut myself off. What was wrong with me? Why do I feel this strange?
But then it comes to me.
"I wish mom was here."
That was all it took. Suddenly, the Great Chief Hakoda of the Southern Water Tribe has tears in his eyes. And I do too.
"I know, sweetie. Trust me."
He wraps his strong, yet gentle, arms around me. I return the gesture gladly. I had forgotten how amazing it felt to hug your dad; it's like the ultimate blanket of safety. We stay in each other's embrace, barely rocking back and forth. It's almost like we are holding a silent memorial for mom's absence - but I can feel her love radiating through the air. As we pull away from each other, he brushes the tears from my face and gives me a bittersweet smile. Just then, the wedding planner pokes her head into the hallway and gives my dad some sort of signal. He sniffles once before reacting.
"All right, that's our cue." He brings his face down next to my ear and adds in a whisper,
"I love you so much."
I mouth, 'I love you too' back at him as he takes my arm in his. My heart begins to leap in anticipation. Now that I know mom is with me, my mind is on one thing and one thing only: the goofy, kind, and downright adorable boy waiting behind the doors in front of me. The fear and doubt have completely dissipated, and my soul yearns for him. The music inside the venue grows louder, and I hear stirring as people turn around in their chairs.
And then the doors open.

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