i, aang, take thee katara (dual povs) part six

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𝚔𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟

As Aang and I fly towards Ember Island, I can't help but be amazed by the stars above us. Just the sheer number of them is stunning. They dot the sky like specs of white paint, which have been meticulously placed in the galaxy above. All around me, cold air blows into the night. Goosebumps rise on my skin as the air seeps through my clothing. I nuzzle closer into my husband's warm arm, causing him to smile down at me. He brings his lips down to kiss my hair.
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," he mumbles. I blush in response, and I am suddenly very grateful that it's dark out.
"Me too," I say.
Up ahead, a soft orange light is growing larger.
"Almost there?" I ask.
"Yup, looks like it!" he responds in a cheery voice.
Once we land on the shore beside our house, Aang finds a place where Appa can stay. In the meantime, I bring our bags into the bedroom. Our bedroom. My hands run across the dark, smooth bed posts before I sit down on the plush comforter. Suddenly I am overcome with nerves. Tonight is the night. In my heart, I know that I trust Aang more than anybody else on the planet. Yet, my head is racing with every possibility of what could go wrong. What if I get insecure? What if Aang doesn't think I'm pretty enough? What if-
My worrying is put to an end with the sound of footsteps coming towards me. I try my best to regain composure before he walks in. My husband bounces into the room, and plops down beside me.
"I can't believe that we're married," he says, kicking his feet back and forth like a giddy teenage girl. A goofy smile is painted on his face.
"Well," I begin in a mutter, "I can."
In one smooth movement, be brings his face up until it is level with mine. Now, there are only inches between us, and the air seems to be filled with electricity. Then, he closes the already dwindling space. The kiss starts out soft, and even comfortable. Our lips move in a way that is so synchronized, it appears almost choreographed. But then, passion begins to boil up inside my body. There is no part of me that desires what is familiar. Instead, I crave the parts of him that I haven't gotten to know yet. Almost as if he has read my mind, he deepens our embrace. My blood seems to turn into pure adrenaline. I feel his weight pushing me down to the mattress, and I comply. His frame hovers over me gently, and I take note of how he is careful not to crush my body. Then, I sense his hands brushing their way down my sides, being careful not to miss a single curve. Once he reaches the hem of my dress, he begins to tug the fabric upward.
Out of nowhere, a blaring alarm goes off in my head. I stop kissing him and bite down hard on my bottom lip. He pulls back, and stares down at me with cloudy, concerned eyes.
"Oh, no I messed up didn't I?" he says, worry fogging his voice.
"No," I begin quietly, "I don't think that you're the problem, sweetie."
A strange sense of determination marks his speech as he continues.
"Alright, how can I make it better. I mean, there's gotta be some way that I can help. Katara, you have to tell me if this isn't the right time-" I cut off his rambling by pressing a finger into his lips.
"Aang, you're doing perfectly. I'm just a little freaked out," I say in the calmest tone I can muster. He grins down at me, stroking my cheek with his thumb.
"Take all of the time that you need, baby," he responds in a soothing voice.
Somehow, it feels as if he has said all that I needed to hear. His support turns off all of the alarms in my head. I hook my fingers around his jawline, bringing his face closer to me.
"Let's just take this slow," I whisper, sending shivers down his spine.
"You know I love you, right?" he says, in the exact same tone as me.
"You know I love you more, right?" I respond. A breathless chuckle escapes him.
"Not possible."
At this moment, the only thing that I yearn for is Aang. Then, the space closes between us for a second time. I feel my heart beating into my throat, and his mouth crashes into mine. My lips are hungrier this time, and so are his. This is the type of kiss that feels as though it could never get boring.
Once I feel comfortable enough, I slowly give him full control. His fingers trace patterns down my waistline, until they eventually return to the bottom of my dress. No doubt is in my mind as the silky material is pulled over my head.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

𝚊𝚊𝚗𝚐'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟

I wake up to the sound of seagulls and crashing waves. Honey-colored sunlight shines through the slightly open window beside me. Katara, who wears nothing but a thin linen nightgown that was slipped on immediately before going to sleep, stirs in my arms.
Her ocean-blue eyes open up sleepily, and a yawn passes her lips. Upon seeing me awake, she smiles softly. Then, she squeezes her eyes back shut, and snuggles into the warmth of my body.
"Why did last night have to end?" she mumbles into my skin. My mouth turns up at the ends into an involuntary grin. Last night...
"Because the world is cruel, evil, and unfair," I answer after a few seconds.
"True," she sighs. The quietness after her statement is comforting, and peaceful. She's the only person who I haven't felt awkward around during unadulterated silence.
"I never want to leave this bed," I mutter next to her ear.
"Who said we have to?" she says, a mischievous smirk spreading across her face.
She uses her palm to push me onto my back as she rests her body on top of me. I can already feel my heartbeat picking up. With lips that feel like velvet, she gingerly kisses my jawline. Once she pulls back, it almost feels like she has electrified that spot. Then, she makes her way down to my collarbone, where she does the same thing. Just when I think she is about to go lower, her lips move upwards. I use my hand to cradle her face, and her mouth becomes even more fitted to mine. I am about to lose my self-control in


She pulls back abruptly, and I throw my hands up.
"Aw, come on!" I say. She giggles, bringing her fingers up to brush her lips.
"On second thought," she begins, moving her hand down to rub her chin, "I think that I want to go to the beach." Katara swiftly flings her legs up, which provides her enough momentum to land on the floor. I decide that instead of getting up, I will watch her continue this charade. Obviously teasing me, she slowly pulls her nightgown over her head. Spirits, she's gorgeous. It takes basically everything in me not to leap up and grab her. Yet, a part of me still feels as though I shouldn't be seeing her naked form. Her skin looks so smooth that it almost seems to glow. On her hips, pale stretch marks branch off like a shining river. I've never understood why women hate them so much; to me they are like golden strips embedded in their skin. She walks with her back to me towards her bags, where she pulls out her wrappings used for swimming. To my surprise, she doesn't put them on right away. Instead, she tosses the strips of fabric into my chest.
"Put them on me."
I shake my head out of my stupor. Why would she want me to dress her? I immediately assume that this is all a part of her little game; an attempt to fluster me. And I am determined not to let her win. As calmly and confidently as I can, I saunter over to her bare body. Her hand comes up to rest on her hip, which accentuates the curves of her waist. I try the best I can to calm the shaking of my hands as I bend down to wrap her bottom half. Once I'm finished, she looks down at me with satisfaction, but also a little surprise. She clearly didn't expect me to make it this far. In order to humor her, I take my time standing back up; my nose gently skimming the skin on her torso. Goosebumps dot her arms as I take the next piece of material into my hands. My attempt at confidence seems to be working; she now seems ever more smitten than me. This time, I hold one end of the strip against her back, using the other end to hold onto. As I gently wind the fabric around my wife's chest, a sigh escapes her. I look up with one eyebrow raised.
"Man, I really thought I was going to get you," she says in a defeated tone.
"Hah! Well, I guess it ended up working the other way around, didn't it?" I respond playfully.
"Oh, shut up," she giggles, punching my arm. A crimson blush has developed in her cheeks. I hook my arm around her waist, pulling her body into me. I give her one last breath-taking kiss before I head into the bathroom to change.

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