i, aang, take thee katara (dual povs) part three

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A/N: sorry that this part is so long!! i wanted to include the entire ceremony and vows in one chapter.

𝚊𝚊𝚗𝚐'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟

The heavy wooden doors are dragged open by two men, and I begin to see Katara's figure through the cracks, her arm wrapped securely around her father's. The only way that I can describe her is heavenly. Her dress is pure white with blue accents, and it accentuates the curves of her body. Long, elegant, sheer sleeves run down her tanned arms. She clutches a bouquet of panda lillies in her free hand, adding a beautiful pop of color. I am left shell-shocked for a brief moment. It takes me a couple of seconds to realize that my mouth has been hanging open since she appeared. I snap it shut, and suddenly, tears spring into my eyes. I don't bother to brush them away. As she gets closer, I can tell that her eyes are shining with tears as well. We hold each other's intense gaze until my vision is completely clouded by tears.
By now, I can see her silhouette only a couple of yards away from me, so I blink the moistness out of my eyes. Once she reaches the marble stairs that I am standing on, Hakoda looks at me expectantly. I take her hand from his, and grip his forearm in a typical water tribe greeting. He draws his face to my ear and whispers,
      "Take care of my little girl, okay?"
       I simply nod in reply; I'm sure that my voice would falter if I spoke. Katara turns to face me as her dad walks to his seat in the front row. I guide her in front of me and gesture with my other hand for her to go first. She leads us up the stairs, and hands her bouquet to Suki, who is standing next to Toph. Clearly, the Blind Bandit is trying her best to tolerate her dressy getup, but is hiding her discomfort very poorly. Every couple of seconds she shifts her stance or pulls at the fabric. She drew the line at frilly clothing, and wouldn't wear shoes for anything. Once Katara and I are standing face-to-face at the altar, Zuko's Uncle Iroh, who we asked to officiate the service, begins the ceremony:
       "I would like to start off by thanking everybody that is here today for your attendance on behalf of the bride and groom. I would also like to thank Aang and  Katara for requesting my services in officiating the ceremony. It's not every day that one has the opportunity to witness a union so strong." At this, I rub Katara's hand in affirmation, because I too am sure that our love is rare and unbreakable.
       "From the time that I have spent with this lovely couple, I have learned many things. First of all, do not make Katara angry!" A laugh echoes through the crowd, and Katara snickers and rolls her eyes in amusement.
       "Alright, alright," Iroh continues, "On a more serious note, these two lovers have the type of romance that teaches other people about themselves, as I mentioned earlier. However, they also share a bond so special, that they teach each other." He turns to face Katara and I, as if speaking to us directly.
       "As I have gotten to know each of you, it has become apparent that with the fault of one, comes the strength of another. With Katara's stubbornness comes Aang's diplomacy. With Aang's self criticism comes Katara's affirmation. I could give many more examples, but I would be standing here for quite a while.
       "Somehow, you're compatible, yet also opposite of one another. This is why I believe your connection is so deep. Your moral compasses point in the same direction, so you see eye to eye on the larger obstacles you have faced as a couple. However, your differences cause conflicts that strengthen who you are. You circle and balance each other, much like Tui and La's eternal dance. You are Ying and Yang. Complimentary opposites. And just as Ying cannot exist without Yang, Aang cannot exist without Katara. Likewise, Katara cannot exist without Aang. The balance inside of you would be irreparably damaged. You build each other up and bear the other's struggles, and that type of bond is immovable."
       I can see glistening in Katara's eyes as she presses her lips together and shakes her head in agreement. I smile at her, and tears cloud my own vision. Iroh grins at our display of emotion, causing his eyes to crinkle at the edges. I look over my shoulder to see Sokka and Zuko passing a handkerchief between them, which they use to nonchalantly dry their tears. Suki is holding her head back behind Katara in an attempt to keep her makeup from being ruined. I assume this is something she has learned from the many hours she has spent in her Kyoshi warrior's uniform.
      "Now that I have made everybody excessively emotional," Iroh says with a smile, "It is time to exchange vows. Aang, you may start."
      "Oh wow," I sigh, wiping my face for what feels like the thousandth time today. A chuckle resonates through the room as I take out the crumpled paper that is stashed in my robe.
      "Alright, lets see if I can get through this without breaking down," I joke, causing Katara to giggle. With that, I lock eyes with my fiancé and begin reading my vows.
       "Katara, when I first opened my eyes after waking up from my hundred year slumber, I thought I had seen the face of an angel. But it was you, holding me gently in your arms. I'm pretty sure that I knew right then and there that I loved you. Those shining blue eyes told me exactly who you were: a brave, kind, and beautiful woman who definitely wasn't worthy of me." Her hands squeeze mine even tighter, and a stream of moisture flows down her smiling face. My voice is thick with emotion.
       "I'm pretty much the luckiest man in the world that I stand here now, preparing to become your husband. I mean, Iroh pretty much said it all. I am nothing without you." The tears flow freely down my cheeks, and I have to wipe my nose a couple of times before continuing.
       "The only way for me to become a complete version of myself is to give myself up to you, and you alone. I can't wait to grow old knowing that I will always have you, and most importantly, I can't wait to see what comes next. You are my rock. You are my reason for living. You are my love. But most importantly, you are my forever girl. And this is my promise to you, Katara: I promise I'll always be your forever boy, until the day I die."
      By the time that I'm finished saying my vows, Katara and I are a bawling mess. I suddenly take note of the fact that she is not wearing makeup, yet still looks gorgeous. Her skin looks so soft; I am tempted to bring my hand to her face and begin stroking her cheek. So I settle for the next best thing. I use my fingers to brush the tears off of her face, and her eyes close as if she is savoring the moment of contact. This is the woman that I will spend the rest of my life with. And I couldn't be filled with more joy.

𝚔𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚊'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟

As Aang's warm hand cradles my face, I am in complete and utter awe. His words could not have been better. Somehow, he knew exactly what to say in order to put my mind at ease. I have never been so sure that Aang and I are meant to be; it's almost like he can read my mind. Iroh really was right. We are complementary opposites. Once Aang draws his hand back to his side, Iroh nods at me to begin reading my vows.
I allow a strong puff of air to escape me before I take the slip of parchment that Suki is offering me from behind.
"Aang," I start, and my soon-to-be husband looks at me and smiles that lopsided grin that I love so dearly. I can't help but mimic him in response.
"When we met, I knew that there was something special about you. Your compassion and positive attitude were abnormal by themselves, but when I learned about all that you had been through, my perspective changed.
"It made me realize that you're the type of person who doesn't let their bad experiences define them. And I had never found someone with a trait that appealed to me so well. The way that you continued to be joyful, despite the injustices that the world had thrown your way, left me in awe. I've struggled with this in the past, and your mannerisms not only taught me, they shaped me. And as time went by and I watched you grow from a goofy kid to a handsome teenager, an epiphany echoed in the back of my mind. You were exactly what I needed. You helped me to become the best version of myself, and even added things to who I was. Out of nowhere, my heart was yearning for you. However, it was telling me something that I was afraid to admit to myself. If I admitted that I loved you, then I would be putting myself in the position to get hurt. But then, the voice in my head got louder. It was no longer an echo; it was a scream. And I couldn't ignore it any longer. Once I listened to my heart, everything else seemed to fall into place. I could see our paths, our futures, and this very day." I look up to see Aang's bottom lip quivering, as though he is holding back a sob. My eyes become wet for what feels like the millionth time in the last 15 minutes. I can hear my voice shake as I continue.
"So," I begin, "I'm going to promise you something as well. As long as I am breathing, I will be loving you. When we're watching our grandchildren play together on the porch of our home in Republic City, know that my love for you has not faded. And if you ever doubt that in the slightest, just remember this: you make me better, Aang. Being your partner has not only benefited you," Aang chuckles through his tears, and so do our friends and family.
"but it has benefitted me as well. Leaving you would be bad for me. This is how you can know that I will never break my promise. I love you so much, and I can't wait to go explore life together." In one movement, Aang wraps my free hand in both of his, inhales deeply with closed eyes, and exhales slowly. Once his eyes are open again, Iroh grips one of each of our shoulders tightly, and switches his gaze between us. Then, he begins speaking:
"I believe that I can safely say that I've never witnessed a union so beautiful. Now is the part where you can actually put that union on paper!" Aang and I lock eyes and he mouthes to me, 'Here we go!' I slowly bob my head and exhale through tightened lips.
"Aang," Iroh drops his hands from our shoulders and reads from a small booklet he has just whipped out from his robe, "repeat after me. 'I, Aang, take thee Katara,'"
And then, Aang says the most important words I have ever heard him utter:
"I, Aang, take thee Katara." Iroh continues rapidly.
"To have and to hold,"
"To have and to hold."
"In sickness and in health,"
"In sickness and in health."
"As long as we both shall live."
"As long as we both shall live.
An infectious smile has now spread across Aang's face. I feel myself returning it.
Iroh spins on his heel to face me and grins.
"Repeat after me, Katara."
"Alright," I say with a nod.
"I, Katara, take thee Aang,"
"I, Katara, take thee Aang." My voice is breaking.
"To have and to hold,"
"To have and to hold." My heart is leaping.
"In sickness and in health,"
"In sickness and in health." My mouth is smiling.
"As long as we both shall live."
"As long as we both shall live." My hand is squeezing.
Iroh smacks his hands together, causing Aang and I to jump.
"Alright! By the power vested in me, by the Fire Nation's Capital, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Aang, you may kiss your bride!"
       Aang takes a step towards me and swiftly brings his face to mine. His lips are rough, and hungry, as if he's been waiting for this moment his entire life. I reciprocate his passion, and the entire room melts around us. The clapping and hollering in the background is fuzzy as Aang's mouth molds to me. In this moment: he is intoxicating. And it is only when he pulls away that I remember the crowd of people standing in front of us, who are cheering loudly.
       Over Aang's shoulder, Sokka and Zuko are clapping each other on the back in celebration. In the front row, my dad is pumping his fist in the air. Behind me, Suki is trying to hug Toph, which is almost immediately rejected. Aang takes my hand and faces the crowd, lifting it high into the air. Then, Iroh announces loudly over the commotion:
"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you, for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Avatar Aang!"

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