romantic scribbles (aangs pov)

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     This is impossible. My fingers are sore, and it doesn't help that I'm slightly freezing. Inside of Hakoda's elegant, yet humble South Water Tribe home, I am sitting crouched on top of one of his guest room beds. Katara stays in the room next to me, unaware of what I am working on. Sokka is also visiting his father with us; and he stays two doors down. A small, smooth, teal-colored stone rests in my left hand, and in my right is a knife about as long as my index finger. I never realized how difficult carving a betrothal necklace for Katara would be. It had often crossed my mind that I wanted to make one for her, to pay homage to her culture, but I hadn't actually thought it out. And as my cramping hand rests in my lap, I am suddenly overwhelmed by how much I have left to do. My plan is to present this to her tomorrow, but I have barely made a scratch.
I could sit here all night, laboring over this necklace, or...I could tiptoe down the hall to Sokka's room and ask him for help. Genius. I gingerly get off of the mattress, which still causes a small squeak. As I creak open the door, a sliver of light paints the wall. Outside of my room, the hallway is candlelit. A blazing candlestick rests in front of each door, making Sokka's room fairly easy to find. His door is cracked open just big enough for me to pop my head in.
"Sokka!" I say in a whisper-yell. A muted thump followed by a gentle yelp signify his presence. His tired face pokes through the blackness.
"Aang? Is that you?"
"No," I say sarcastically, "it's a 400 foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings."
"Haha. So hilarious Aang," Sokka says with a sneer. "What'dya want."
"Alright, so you gotta promise to keep it a secret."
He scoffs and proceeds with a wave of his hand.
"Ok, yeah yeah get on with it."
"So you know how I just randomly wanted to come down here to visit your dad?"
"Mhm," he mumbles through a yawn.
"Well," I begin, "its because I wanted to ask for his blessing in marrying Katara."
That sure snapped him out of his stupor.
"Wait, really?!"
"Oh no, you're mad aren't you!" I bring my hand up to rub the back of my neck. Sokka shakes his head of disheveled hair.
"No, no! I couldn't be happier," his voice trails off. That didn't sound good.
"There is something wrong though, isn't there."
"Well," he says in an unsure tone, "why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you plan everything. I mean come on, you know how I love that stuff!"
The whining in his voice would have been humorous, provided that the situation were different.
"I wanted to try to plan it on my own alright! That way it would be a surprise for everybody." I make a gathering motion on the last word. Sokka narrows his eyes.
"Wait a second twinkletoes, if you're trying to propose to my sister then why are you talking to me. I thought you were trying to 'surprise' everybody."
"That was the original plan dunderhead. But I ran into a problem when I tried to carve her a necklace." At this, I pull the stone and knife from my pocket, displaying it to Sokka.
"Ahhh I see," he crosses his arms, "you want my help."
"That would be correct," I say with exasperation. Sokka looks me up and down in skepticism. Eventually, he throws his hands in the air, allowing them to slap against his legs.
"What the heck. Fine."
"Yes!" I allow my fists to fly into the air.
"Don't get too excited baldie," Sokka jokes with a scoff. He beckons me over with his index finger. I dance-walk over to his bed and jump onto the mattress, causing him to roll his eyes. He places his hand on his chin and pretends to be in deep thought.
"Now remind me again," he begins dramatically, "you are eighteen right?"
"That would be correct."
"Alright, just checking." We grin at each other for a second before Sokka begins questioning me.
"So," he starts, "what did you have in mind?"
"For the carving, I want to do like a mix of the Air Nomad and Water Tribe symbol." Sokka nods his head slowly as I say this.
"Actually that sounds really thoughtful. I think she'll love that." He gestures down to the stone. "Why haven't you started yet?"
"That's why I came in here. I literally have no clue what I'm doing."
A laugh bellows out of him.
"Really!? I had no idea!" I shoot him a glare.
"C'mon Sokka I need you!" The desperation is intense in my voice. Sokka cups his hand around his ear.
"What was that? Not quite sure I heard ya there bud."
"I NEED YOU OK!" Sokka's hand claps to my mouth. That came out a lot louder than I had intended.
"Shushhhh," he hisses, the air barely escaping between his teeth. I fling his arm away from my face and softly punch him.
"Geez, I'm sorry!"
Sokka raises his hands in innocence. "If you want me to help you you're gonna have to keep it on the downlow my windy friend."
"Alright, alright! Ok let's actually try to do this now please. I'd like to have it done by tomorrow night," I state, seriousness creeping into my voice. Captain Boomeraang rubs his hands together rapidly and simply says,
     "Let's get to it!"
     First off, Sokka explains how I should hold the knife in order to get the cleanest cut. He demonstrates by making the first small curve. As I follow his directions, he makes little corrections here and there, in typical Sokka fashion. My marks are clearly much sloppier than his, but at least I'm doing it now. All in all, it takes me about an hour to get the carving how I want it. It's jagged, and honestly looks like a 10 year old could have made it, but it has a charming nature of its own; much like the crafts that a child assembles. On the top half are three spirals, representing air. The bottom half shows two waves; meant to represent flowing water.
      I allow a sigh to escape me. "I guess that's as good as it's gonna get, huh?" Sokka snaps to attention and cranes his head over to view the finished product.
       "I gotta say it: it actually turned out better than I thought."
       "Do you really think so? It kinda just looks like a bunch of scribbles."
       He cocks his head to the side and raises his eyebrows.
       "Isn't that technically what all symbols are, genius."
       I shrug my shoulders. "Meh, I guess."
       "But hey, I think that Katara will think those are some downright romantic scribbles," he says matter-of-factly.
       "Ya," I start with a smile, "let's hope she will."

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