i, aang, take thee katara (dual povs) part four

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A/N: another long chapter! i think that this story is going to end up being 6 parts instead of 5, but we will see!!! also, ignore the fact that the headers for pov aren't in the font, it wasn't working for some reason 😔. thanks for reading 💖

katara's pov

       Aang and I run down the aisle, as the people around us clap their hands in celebration. Both of us are smiling broadly, and a realization hits me out of the blue. I've never been this happy. It's almost as if my life has been leading up to this day, and now that it's happened, my body is practically vibrating with joy. I gather my dress into my fist as we pick up speed. At the end of the aisle, behind the double doors, Aang and I have a moment to ourselves.
       Breathless, we look at each other with shining eyes. I am instantly overtaken with the urge to kiss him. I leap up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He catches me, and his strong arms support my weight easily. My hands slide up into his hair as I close the space between us. Now that we're alone, I hold nothing back. I press my mouth against his, and we melt into each other instantly. His hand begins to slowly slide up my waist, which sends my mind into a tizzy. He deepens the kiss further. What I would give to be alone right now...
        "AH! OOGI ALERT!" A shriek echoes from the other side of the hallway. Aang and I quickly break our embrace and he gently sets me down. Sokka and Zuko stare at us, clearly uncomfortable. Both of our faces are flushed, and I have to brush the excess wetness from my lips using my fingers. A small giggle escapes me. My husband rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment.
       "Sokka! Zuko! Erm," Aang starts in a strained voice, "we were just..."
       "Preparing for the reception!" I blurt out, my finger flying in the air. Aang bobs his head violently in agreement.
       "Yes! Exactly," he finishes. Sokka looks us up and down before turning to Zuko.
       "You see these kids, sparky?" He squeaks out. The Fire Lord crosses his arms and shakes his head in disapproval.
       "That I do, Sokka. How unfortunate," Zuko says with an awkward tone, yet blank expression.
       I glance at Aang, who is staring at his shoes, trying desperately to disguise his smile. He isn't succeeding, and neither am I. However, once he looks up at me and we make eye contact, we both burst into a fit of laughter. I can see Sokka's hands fly up in the air in defeat out of the corner of my eye.
       "Alright, I'm leaving. My Uncle wanted me to help him set up catering," Zuko states as he turns to leave.
      "I'm coming too! Get me away from these lovebirds." Sokka jogs to catch up, and Aang and I are once again alone. He takes both of my hands in his as we look at each other face-to-face.
      "Hey," I reply with a smirk.
      "We're married now," he says, an infectious grin spreading across his face.
      "That we are." For a moment, we simply look into each other's eyes, trying to soak up our mutual company. Then, he hooks his hand around my jaw and rubs the side of my cheek with his thumb. My eyelids close to signify comfort. I can already feel the blush rising in my skin. As his face draws closer to mine, it appears he is about to kiss me; until his lips brush the outside of my ear instead. He knows that I hate being teased.
       "We shouldn't keep them waiting," he whispers, just loudly enough for me to hear. It's like I can hear the grin in his voice; the words slide out like velvet. Once he is far enough away to see my face again, I pout my bottom lip out dramatically.
      "What's wrong?" he asks in mock concern.
       "Kiss me," I whine, attempting to reach him on my tip-toes. A mischievous light flashes in his eyes.
      "No," he says, shaking his head, "I don't think I will." My hands come up to rest firmly on my hips. He sighs, and shuffles closer to me. He spreads his legs further apart until his face is level with mine. I gently peck him on the lips, and a faint flush paints the bridge of his nose. As Aang resumes his typical stance, I reach my hand out for his.
      "Thank you, Avatar Aang," I say in the most stuffy voice I can muster. He simply smiles back, and we walk hand-in-hand towards our reception.

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