Chap 23 Emaan is missing?

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Soon they were on the road, going towards their destination. In no time Shees and Emaan were standing outside a royal resort. Emaan looked towards him in confusion.

Why di-

Emaan was cut by a familiar voice. She turned around and saw Lizzy coming towards her direction.

Emaan was shocked to see her in Italy because she remembered that today was her wedding in London.

Lizzy was looking so beautiful in her white bridal v neck gown.

Emaan looked towards Shees, who was avoiding eye contact with her.

Lizzy walked elegantly towards Emaan and hugged her tightly.

I never thought you would attend my wedding Emaan. Lizzy said it between the hugs.

I also. She smiled brightly and looked towards Shees.

When they parted from each other, Emaan saw Jeff coming towards their way. He was smiling at Shees side. When he came closer, he gave a manly hug to Shees.

Thanks for doing this for us Shees. Jeff said it with a smile.

I didn't know Emaan was your wife. She is such a talented and hardworking girl. You guys look so beautiful together. Lizzy said it cheerfully.

Now I got it. That's why you were busy these days. Jeff said it with a smirk.

On hearing these words, Emaan looked towards Shees, who was smiling without telling them the truth.

Emaan wanted to clarify the misconception they were having but Shees just took them all into the resort hurriedly.

Lizzy went towards her bridal room and Jeff walked behind her.

Emaan nudged Shees.

Why didn't you tell them that I am not your wife? Emaan gave him a side look.

Because I don't want them to be sad. And if you have that much problem with it why didn't you clarify yourself? Shees snapped back.

B-Because I was waiting for you to clarify. And how did you know about them? Emaan stuttered while saying it. Shees tease mode is on now.

Jeff is one of my business partner, that's how I know him. Btw it doesn't matter if they think you are my wife or not.

Shees said it while looking towards other side. He was controlling his laugh.

What if you get married again, won't they ask about me? Then at that time how will you answer them? Emaan wanted to show her intelligence but she didn't know it will backfired on her.

Married Again! I am single Emaan. We are not married but if you want to, I think you are not that bad. I can bear you. Do you want to marry me? Shees said it with amusement on his face and judged her from head to toe. He was having fun.

Yes-No, Wait! I don't want to marry you or anyone. Why did you think that? I am happy with my single life. Emaan was nervous so she blurted out and ran towards the Lizzy room.
Shees chuckled by seeing her running like this.

After that talk between them Emaan didn't meet Shees. She avoided him. Emaan could feel someone's eyes on her all the time. Somehow Shees brown eyes could find her in that massive crowd as well.

Emaan met all her staff there. She was shocked to see them. The staff told her about shifting all the arrangements here was Shees idea.

Emaan looked towards him with adoration. Shees didn't know Emaan was looking at him like that.

The wedding went well, everyone was satisfied with it.

Shees was trying to find her in the resort but Emaan was nowhere to be found. This alerts Shees mind. He called all his security to look for her.

He went out to look for her in the washrooms. Because one of the members of Emaan's staff told him that Emaan asked about the washroom.

Shees looked her in every washroom but couldn't find her. This tensed him more.

Buddy! Emaan is missing. Come down right now. Aliyan was working on the rooftop. Today they planned a surprise for her.

Aliyan rushed down. He saw Shees hitting the door of the washroom. His eyes were red. Shees was giving an aura of someone that could kill any person if they said something wrong to him.

Aliyan ran towards him and held his hand before Shees gave another punch to the door.

What the hell are you doing Shees? Aliyan shouted.

Buddy! Istg if anyone hurts Emaan, even a lil bit I will destroy each and everyone. Aliyan could see enrage to kill someone in his eyes.

Okay calm down. First tell me where you saw her last? Aliyan was trying to use the brain which Shees was not using at that moment.

Her staff member said she went to the washroom but I have checked every washroom, she is not there. Shees grabbed his head and then punched the wall. His hand was bleeding now.

Are you mad Shees? This is not the right way. Stop hurting yourself and think about how to find her. Aliyan again shouted and threw his hand downwards which he was holding to prevent him throwing another punch.

Suddenly Shees got a call from a private number. Shees picked up and an unfamiliar voice came out.

Hey! How are you doing bastard? Have you been alright? Shees heard him chuckle.

Oh! How can you be fine your lovely Emaan is missing, right.

Tsk tsk tsk what's the point of having a BIG security team when you can't even save your lover. I really pity Emaan, how could she fall in love with a loser like you? That guy laughed in the satire.

If you touch a single strand of her hair, I will make your life hell. I mean it.

Shees was fuming with anger.
Aliyan grabbed the phone from Shees's hand and gave him a hand gesture to stop and let him talk.

Tell us where Emaan is? If you have any problem with us, deal like man to man. Stop involving our woman in this. Aliyan wanted to smack the guy over the phone.

But I love women. What can I do? That guy chuckled.

Btw I didn't like to talk to the minions. Give your owner his phone back. That person said in a rude tone.

Stop being a bitch, be a man. Aliyan also gave him the taste.

I don't want to be a man. I am good enough what I am. And about your woman, I didn't even touch her.
Aliyan's grip tightened on the phone.

He was about to say something but that person disconnected the call.

Aliyan wanted to strangled that guy but couldn't because he was not in front of him.

Aliyan looked around but Shees was not there. He ran towards the CCTV room.

Aliyan knew that he would find Shees there. And exactly that's what happened, Shees was there standing and shouting at his emoloyees.

Shees saw Emaan on cam 5 half and an hour ago. Someone was chasing her in a black dress. That person was wearing a mask so they couldn't see his face. Following all the cameras, they got the exact location of Emaan.

That guy was dragging her to the construction area. Emaan was unconscious.

Shees didn't even hear a single word from Aliyan and ran towards that area.

Please Emaan stay strong. I will be there, just stay strong. Shees thought about these words in his mind.

Will Shees will be able to save Emaan this time?

So so so how was the chap 😍  Who do you guys think that would do this to Emaan?

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P.s. we have hit 2k readers🎉🎉🎉🎉 Thanks to all the secret and bold readers for reading it ❤ I love y'all.

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