Chap 27 The London Girl

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SAVE ME PLEASE. She is going to kill me. Emaan pointed towards Afaf.

Calm down Emaan. I am here. Don't worry she won't hurt you. She is my friend. Aliyan patted her head lightly.

Emaan looked up with teary eyes.

Are you sure? She won't hurt me, right. The way Emaan asked Aliyan was like a baby who asked his mother to trust someone or not.

Aliyan smiled at her baby behaviour. He always wanted to have a younger sister and he thinks now he has got one.

Aliyan nodded and took her towards the bed.

Now sit down. I will go and call the doctor to check you out. Aliyan was about to turn when Emaan grabbed his hand again.

She gave him Please-don't-leave-me-here-alone look.

She was still terrified because of what happened to her.

Aliyan felt a pang in his heart. He looked towards Afaf.

I will go and get the doctor. She went out of the room after saying it.

Afaf came into the room with the doctor. He checked Emaan thoroughly and told them she was fine.

Emaan calmed down by the time also.

ASALAM-O-ALAIKUM! I am Afaf, Aliyan's friend. Afaf said it with a smile.

Aliyan was startled listening his name from Afaf. She had never introduced herself like that before. She always says him sunbae.

WALAIKUM-ASLAM! I am Emaan Siddique. Emaan also gave her back a nervous smile.

After that intorduction an awkward silence occurred.

Aliyan couldn't stand this silence so he spoke up.

You guys are really something. This is my first time seeing two girls sitting without opening their mouths. Like where the gossips girls are. A silly grin was on his face.

SHUT UP ALIYAN! Both said together.
Aliyan made a pout and went towards the sofa.

Afaf and Emaan giggled.

Emaan went silent after that. Afaf could see she was struggling, so Afaf opened her chatter box mouth.

She talks like there is no tomorrow. Emaan thought that in her mind.

Afaf told her about "How they met at the university? The pranks they did together. How does Shees always save them from the Dean? The trips they went together. How Shees was always a spoil spot in their group? And many more things."

After listening to it, Emaan also opened up with her. Slowly they started to know each other. And to their surprise, they have many things in common.

Like both of them like Harry Potter series. Both of them learn self-defence. Both know how to do pottery. Both of them are chatter boxes. Both of them like to wear simple clothes. Both of them got many proposals but they were not interested. Both of them fall for idiots.
Both think the last line in their mind.

Afaf and Emaan were continuously giggling which irritated Aliyan a lot.

Damn! I shouldn't have told you guys to gossip. How can you guys talk for three hours straight? Aliyan raised his eyebrow with irritation on his face.

Emaan and Afaf just shrugged their shoulders and giggled.

3 hours later

Emaan was sleeping because of injections. She started to feel pain in her hands which were covered with bandages, so the doctor gave her a shot of pain relief.

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