Chap 12 Kidnapping

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He was married already then what was with me......

Emaan mumbled to herself not believing what she just heard. She turned to run when her feet bumped into a plant.

Ouch! She groaned.

Emaan didn't look back and ran back to her room as fast as she could. She couldn't settle down her thoughts for a while.

She was thinking about how to tell her father when someone grabbed her from behind and put a cloth piece on her mouth, and suddenly everything blacked out.


Mysterious House

Curtains were opened to let sun rays come inside. Emaan opened her eyes slowly. She saw a grey ceiling with a black touch. Her vision was still blurry. Emaan blinked several times to see things clearly.

Her mind was unable to process. She laid down for some time and tried to make her brain work. Emaan tried to recall and everything that happened to her ran like movie in her mind.

She got up instantly and looked around. It was not Daniyal's farmhouse. Everything in that room was in a black and grey combination.
Both of her hands went straight on her mouth.

I am kidnapped!

Emaan said in an utter shock and suddenly the door opened. Emaan got startled and jumped from the bed.

A lady in her 40's came inside with a trolley of breakfast. She gave her best smile to Emaan but Emaan gave her a frightened look.

"Ciao signorina! Come va?" (Hello Miss! How are you?) That lady said in the Italian language.

Every word went above her mind.
That lady understand that she didn't get it so she again asked something.

Va tutto bene signora? (Is everything alright ma'am?)

Emaan stood there frozen for a moment and then ran towards the lady.

Please! Help me. I don't know what you are talking about and how I came into this room. Please help me out. Emaan said in a pleading and panicking tone.

The lady was startled by her actions. She didn't know how to speak English. And what Emaan was saying goes all above her head.

Calmati signorina. Cosa c'è che non va?(Calm down miss. what's wrong?) The lady said in a concerned tone.

Emaan looked up with teary eyes and asked:

Where am I? Place! Place!
Emaan said hurriedly. She got it that this lady didn't know what's happening here.

Oh... Posto. Sei a Milano in questo momento.(Oh... Place. You are in Milan right now.) That lady said after lil thinking.

Emaan felt numb. Her hands fell down after she heard she was in Milan, the city of Italy. Emaan fell down and lost consciousness.

Next day when Emaan opened her eyes again, there was no one around her.

Just a needle struck in her hand with a tape on it. The drip was falling slowly.

Emaan sat in the sitting position as she was feeling dizzy. Her vision was still blurry.

A doctor came with that lady in her 40's. The doctor checked Emaan thoroughly and gave the prescription page to that lady.

You need to take these medicines on time and don't think too much. You have been stressing yourself out too much lately. Relax a lil Miss.

The doctor said professionally but Emaan couldn't understand a single word because of the heaviness of her head.

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