Chap 30 I will tight his screw

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Everyone was giving him a strange look because of the blood that was dripping from his lips and the messy hair. But he didn't care at all. He was sitting there with a straight face.

Aliyan was reminiscing all the memories he had with Shees. The fierce childhood, a youth with burden and life going towards maturity.

He clearly remembered when he cracked his first deal, Shees was the one on ninth cloud. Shees even arranged a party for him and for the other staff members. And he remember after that party Shees was broke and ate noodles for a whole month. A smile crept on his face.

Aliyan called Afaf to inform her that he was coming back. He was talking to her when he noticed that his shoe lace was untie. He told Afaf to wait and put his phone at the side. At that moment someone sat down beside Aliyan.

Aliyan didn't bother to look because he knew only one idiot in this whole world could sit next to him in this scary state.

So, are you really going? Aliyan knew Shees came here to apologise.

Yes, because some people think I'm impulsive. He didn't glance at Shees and said it without any emotion.

Yes, I said to a stupid person to leave for Italy, not to break the friendship. But what can you expect from an idiot? Shees tilted his head left and right in disappointment.

Go away Mr Shees before I punch you again. I'm sure you don't want to get humiliated in front of many people. So stop being annoying. Shees tried his best not to smile at "Mr Shees" word.

Well, I don't care if you beat me or not. I'm here to clarify something. He paused.

I told you to go back because there are many reasons but the most important is the girls safety. And the thing I'm about to say you need to listen it calmly. I know you considered Emaan as your sister now and you will be hurt when you hear me but don't forget that you have spent half of your life with me. So you know how I lived my whole life.

Not meeting Emaan, I'm still sticking to it. I won't meet her again but if you want to meet her alone then I can't do anything.

After the incident I thought deeply and found out that I don't love her. It was just an affection like I always had for other girls. And that affection is slowly fading away, so I think i should let her go now. If I keep going like this, I'll only hurt her. And I know you also don't want that, do you?

Aliyan clenched his fist.

So was it all fake, the confessions that you did in front of me and those tears when you are confessing or was it just to get revenge on her because she hurt your ego.

At first I do approached her because she hurt my ego but when she showed me the opposite of what I was expecting, I was shocked at that time you could say that. She was really unpredictable. So I want to explore about her more. You know Aliyan the girls I have dated were all gold diggers. I slowly got interested in her. And that interest took me here now. I took affection as love mistakenly. So thats why I don't want to see her again. Because it will be nothing but pain in ass and it will hurt you to along Emaan.

Aliyan was not buying any of that crap so he said rather calmly this time just to see his best friend acting more.

So why are you behind Luna? She didn't do any harm to you.

Because i hate to be indebted. Emaan got hurt because Luna thought that she was my girlfriend. That's why I'm behind her. Calmness was not ready to leave Shees face.

If Aliyan didn't know Shees from childhood then he would've believed what Shees was saying. Because that's how Shees was famous in the industry. The ruthless heartbreaker of women.

Aliyan could see he was lying because the love he saw in his eyes for Emaan was clearly not an affection.

I'm relieved now that I can find a good person for Emaan. You really don't deserve my sister. She was way too good for you. I'm glad you took a step back.

Aliyan stood up with a fake happy smile and glanced towards Shees to see his reaction.

Shees clenched his fists just thinking about Emaan with someone else but he thought that he has to let her go.

His expressions changes from anger to a warrior who lost his battle.

Shees stood up with satisfaction that atleast Aliyan believed in his words but he was making fool out of himself.

Aliyan laughed inwardly because of the fool standing beside him.

I'll tight this idiot screw when I'm done with the things in Italy. And i have to prepare Emaan for the worst behaviour of Shees too. Aliyan thought in his mind.

The flight from Pakistan to Italy will take off in five mins. We request from all the passengers to board the plane.

Both heard the announcement.

I have to go then. Bye Shees.

Bye Buddy. Have a safe flight. I hope we have solved all our misunderstandings.

Aliyan just smiled and went towards his door.

Hi everyone👋 I know this chap is boring and short but bear with me I have to open the mystery of Shees family death.  So in order to do that y'all have to go through this chap😅
I love my all silent readers ❤
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