Chap 20 The Anonymous Call

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After a few days coming back from pottery shop, Emaan was sitting in her bed trying to call her father but still he was not answering.

She was getting anxious because this was her 10th day of calling and no one was picking up her call.

Emaan was knocking on Shees door to ask if his father was alright when he talked to him.

Yes! Come in. She heard a manly voice but it was not Shees.

When Emaan entered the room, she saw a guy cleaning Shees room.

Emaan asked him in English.
Where is Shees? And this time Allah helped her. The guy who was cleaning could speak a lil bit of English, so he answered her that he went out in a hurry. Emaan nodded and went towards her room.

Emaan was about to go for a bath when she heard her cell phone ringing.

She ran towards phone thinking maybe it was her father's call, but to her surprise it was from a private number.

Hello! Emaan speaking. How-
She was cut in the middle with a fierce voice.

"Did you really think you would be able to get away from me? Huh! In your dreams sweetheart. You really like to play hide and seek, right. Then be ready! I will hunt you down and tear you into pieces my beautiful prey. Even that bastard Shees won't save you this time. And about your dad, you should come to Pakistan. That poor hag, tsk tsk tsk he is taking his last breath. And don't even think that I am joking because what I am going to sent you will take your breath away."

That person declined the call and send her something.

Emaan was thinking it was a prank because Shees has done this a lot in the past few days.

She also thought that she would beat him to pulp because it was not funny at all but when she saw the picture of her father in a hospital, her body became numb.

She was standing froze there for some time. Tears were on her cheeks. She came out of that stance when that guy called her again.

W-Who are you? And how did you know about me and my father? Emaan stuttered. She felt a lump stuck in her throat.

If I tell you who I really am and you refuse to believe me, then I can hardly be blamed for your disappointment

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If I tell you who I really am and you refuse to believe me, then I can hardly be blamed for your disappointment.
Emaan heard him chuckling.

Stop wasting your time and find the best place to hide sweetheart. Because I am coming for you with all my might. Your time starts now TIK TOK TIK TOK.

That guy declined the call but all this sent shivers to her spine.

             *                 *                 *

A few hours later

Emaan was on the porch waiting for Shees. She was consistently tapping her feet while crossing her hands on her chest.

Where the hell are you Shees?
She was literally frustrated.

It was 12 AM and there was no sign of him. At this time Emaan forgot her problems and started to worry about him.

This has never happened since the day they came back from the hospital.

Emaan tried to call him numerous time but it was switched off. This makes her more tense.

All the bad thoughts started to come into her mind. She brushes off all the bad vibe she was getting. Emaan wanted to be optimistic.

She felt so idiot of not saving Aliyan's number on her cellphone.

2 hours more passed, and still no sign of him coming back. Emaan sat on the stairs, folding her hand around her legs and putting her head in the middle. Slow sobs voice coming out of between the legs.

She didn't know when she fell asleep.

Shees came back around 6 o clock in the morning. When Shees stepped out of the car, he saw Emaan sleeping in the sitting position on stairs.

He ran towards her because she was about to fall on the floor. Shees grabbed her from her hand softly and pulled towards himself.

Emaan was now in his hands. Shees looked towards her in adoration.

"I must have done something good that I was able to find you in this vast universe." Shees thought in his mind and tucked the strand of her hair behind her ear that was blocking his precious view.

At that time Emaan inhaled a familiar cologne .

She opened half eyes and looked towards Shees cluelessly. Shees gave her his best smile. Emaan closed her eyes again, thinking she was dreaming but the hands around her back felt real.

She shot her eyes open and stood up in haste.

Shees wasn't startled this time because he was used to her behaviour.

Emaan's head felt like it was spinning but she shook it. She threw daggers towards Shees.

Where is your phone? Emaan repeated her question two times and started to search his pocket. This time Shees felt something happen behind his back.

What's wrong, Emaan? Is everything alright? Shees stood up and said in a concerning tone.

I asked you where is that damn phone of yours? Emaan growled.

Did you know I called you like a maniac last night? Where the hell were you? At least you should've sent me a msg if you were so busy. She blurted out all her frustration on him and went inside the house.

Shees ran behind her and took her wrist in his manly hands.

Can you tell me what's wrong, Emaan rather than running away? This time Shees said in a lil rude tone.

Leave my hand. She said it with a straight face.

I won't leave it until you tell me what's wrong. Shees was also standing strong on his point.

Emaan tried to jerk his hand but couldn't escape from Shees's grip.

Shees pulled her into his arms and tried to calm down Emaan.

Tears started to be filled in her eyes while pushing away Shees.

After crying for an hour, she finally spoke up.

Shees I have to go back to Pakistan. My Baba... My Baba..


Okay so what do you guys think who is that guy who called Emaan and threatened her like this?

I hope you guys like this chap❤ Show your love and support to it with your precious votes and comments. 

EID MUBARAK to all the muslims out there😍.

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