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As Harry made his way downstairs and out of the elevator he noticed Louis standing next to Zayn. They seemed to be having a conversation and that worried him.

Although he didn't want to, Harry made his way over to them.

Harry: "morning"

Louis: "good morning, how's it been so far?"

Harry: "I mean....fine, why?"

Louis: "just wondering, wanna go have a chat real quick"

Harry: "sure"

Harry glanced helplessly at Zayn who had a light blush over his cheeks.

They made their way over to a bench on the other side of the lobby and sat down opposite each other.

Harry: "so what's wrong now?"

Louis: "earlier this morning, me and z went down for a smoke break before we got ready"

Harry: "typical, and?"

Louis: "we walked past your room and heard something"

Harry: "...what'd you hear?"

He was genuinely confused. He had no idea what they heard.

Louis: "you were....moaning Zayn's name"

Harry face palmed and he knew exactly what he was talking about.

Harry: "shit I'm sorry..."

Louis: "there's nothing to be sorry for"

Harry: "did zayn hear too? or just you?"

Louis: "no he heard too...and if I'm not mistaken he seemed pretty turned on by it"

Harry: "there's no way"

Louis: "the boner in his pants said different haz"

Harry: "hey! why were you lookin?"

Louis: "I'm gay, I observe that shit. I'm not attracted to him, don't worry"

Harry chuckled

Harry: "I'm embarrassed now"

Louis: "there's nothing to be embarrassed about, we all do it"

Harry: "yeah but I moaned his fucking name Lou...and he heard me!"

Louis: "so? you're just lucky Niall wasn't with him and it was me"

Harry: "yeah but now what do I say to him?"

Louis: "don't say anything, let him come to you"

Harry: "no Lou, I'm not giving into him...not until he talks to Niall"

Louis: "he's cheated before, and from what he told me this morning...he needs it from you"

Harry: "and I wish I could give it to him...but I hate feeling like I'm only worth it for my body."

Louis chuckled

Harry: "what?"

Louis: "Wanna know exactly what he said this morning"

Harry: "I mean...I guess"

Louis: "he told me that he hasn't had sex with Niall since the proposal...because every time they start to go somewhere he thinks about you and loses all interest"

Harry: "what about what he said about breaking in the new bed in the room last night?"

Louis: "they didn't get intimate, they only kissed a little...I asked"

Harry: "so he won't have sex with Niall because he wants me?"

Louis: "exactly"

Harry: "then why doesn't he just tell Niall that?"

Louis: "we talked about that too, he said he was going to soon because he knew he'd lose you if he didn't"

Harry: "I'm glad he's coming to terms with that at least"

Louis: "he may be engaged to someone else Harry, but you're the one who has his heart and that's clear to anyone who looks deep enough."

Harry blushed and looked behind him to see the other three boys waving them over to the car. They had rehearsals for the majority of the day in west London and that's where they were headed.

Louis: "honestly, just follow your heart...and I'll support you"

Harry: "that means a lot lou, thank you"

Louis smiled and nodded as they made their way back to the group.

Liam: "everything alright you two?"

Harry still had his cheeks tinted pink from all the blushing he did, and Liam noticed.

Harry: "yeah, alls good"

Zayn and Harry made eye contact, and Zayn winked causing the butterflies in Harry's stomach to set flight.

An hour passed and they were at the building where rehearsals took place. They were somewhat uneventful, and took 7 hours.

By the time they boys were finished and released for the day it was around 7, and they ordered takeout to head back to the hotel.

The car ride was pretty silent because everyone was tired and hungry, so nobody talked until they'd made it back to the hotel.

Paul: "enjoy your night boys, we'll see you in the morning"

Paul and Julian took their leave and left the boys to chill out for the rest of the night.

They all opted to hang out in Zayn and Nialls room this time...all except for Harry who had to follow along anyway.

They chilled out in the room and ate their dinner from nandos, Nialls pick obviously, and talked about rehearsals.

Niall: "do you guys like the set for tour?"

Liam: "it's definitely dope"

Zayn: "for sure, I love it"

Louis: "there's so much room to do things...it's crazy how much we've grown already"

They all looked at Harry to see what he thought, but he was deeply invested in his phone. Staring at something that none of the boys could quite make out from a far.

Niall: "haz?"

He jumped out of his thoughts and glanced at Niall

Harry: "sorry, what's up?"

Niall: "I asked how you liked the set this year?"

Harry: "it's cool yea"

Niall just nodded, Harry's been distant with him for quite sometime now he and had no idea why.

Harry leaned close to Louis with a tear in his eye.

Harry: "what the fuck is this?"

It was a picture on Instagram that Niall posted of him holding a bouquet of blue roses.

Louis: "shit, I honestly forgot to mention something this morning about that...zayn got them for Niall early in the morning before rehearsals"

Harry just nodded.

That was the only clarification he needed.

He had no more straws left to pull, he was completely empty, and he knew that he had no more left to give to this.

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