Chapter 2

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Rosie fiddled with the hem of her dress as her and Bella approached the hallway. A few drunk students were littered about, probably in need of some privacy and fresh air from the hot oven that was the party room of requirement. Rosie immediately diverted her eyes and turned a bright shade of pink when they landed upon a couple heavily making out. Nobody else seemed to notice this, so she hurried along.

The heavy oak door was closed. The girls stared up at it and it took Rosie all she had in her to swallow down her nerves. Luckily, Bella confidently opened the door and they were immediately hit by vibrations of loud music. Rosie apprehensively looked around the packed room, strewn with ping pong tables, racks of alcohol bottles and bean bags. They were greeted by a smiley griffindor, waving at them and barely standing upright on his swaying legs. Strobe lights pulsated and already a newfound stream of adrenaline coursed through Rosie's body. She had been timidly hiding behind Bella, but decided to let go of her iron grip on her friends arm and explore the venue.

It was like nothing she had ever experienced before. The noise was deafening, but it also comforted her. She was so used to the gentle bustle of the hufflepuffs, that the overlapping shouts from all around the room intrigued her. She had to push her way through crowds of wizards and witches to get to the nearest drinks cabinet. Snatching up a half full bottle, she pressed it to her full lips and drank- wincing only slightly at the taste as she finished it. This wasn't the first time Rosie had drank, and although she hated the taste, she knew it would completely untangle her; it had a way of bringing out... the worst in her.

Rosie scanned the room to look for Bella, but her blonde friend was nowhere to be seen amongst the crowds. Already feeling the effects of the vodka, Rosie slipped clumsily past a group of ravenclaws and stepped into the 'dance floor'. It was essentially a 10 meter squared glowing section of the room, with flashing tiles and intoxicated teenagers as the floor. Rosie closed her eyes, swaying her hips to the rhythm of the song. Smiling to herself, she let the rhythm guide her, feeling every beat throb through her veins as she danced.

A cold pair of hands snaked around her waist, making her jump. Turning around, she faced him. His cold grey eyes glinted under the strobe light with amusement, eyeing her up and down lazily. She felt her cheeks heat up underneath his unwavering stare, his hands still tight around her waist.

'What's a pretty girl like you doing dancing alone?' He spoke slowly, each word he uttered purposeful and deliberate with arrogant ease.

'Seems to me like i'm not so alone anymore though, huh?' Rosie smiled, enjoying her new found confidence with this unfamiliar stranger.

He cocked his head with amusement. 'We aren't alone enough for my liking.' He gestured with one hand to the surging crowds of people all around, his other was now working its way slowly around and up her back. Goosebumps prickled on her skin.

'How about we go find a be alone together.' His breath tickled her cheek as he lowered his head to whisper into her ear. His long, slender fingers were now tracing the back of her bra.

Rosie bit her lip in thought. She'd never met this boy before, but she assumed his intentions weren't pure. Surprisingly, she wasn't appalled by the thought. In fact, she was turned on by him. It had been a while since she'd had sex, and the alcohol was clouding her judgement- at least, that's what she told herself. Rosie, although shy amongst other houses, was popular in hufflepuff house. She had a couple of boys she would sleep with on the occasion, but she never told anyone and neither did they. It was never anything serious... boarding school just got a bit boring sometimes.

Rosie had never found it easy to relate to the other houses. She found Slytherin's ambition and cunning, Ravenclaw's competitiveness and Griffindor's boldness intimidating, and couldn't wrap her head around putting anything other than kindness first. This was naive of her, she knew, but in reality she just felt inferior compared to them. The other houses always made jokes about Hufflepuff, never taking the house seriously and saying they had no real purpose, causing many hufflepuffs to be seen as 'weirdos' and 'outsiders.'

Snapping back into reality, Rosie nodded to the fair haired boy who was towering over her. This should be fun, she thought to herself as he took her hand and led her through the crowd, and out of the party.

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