Chapter 8

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story has not been as ✨spicy✨ as I was planning lately because i accidentely told my friend about this story when i was drunk and now she reads it ahahahaKILLME
but idc now i'll continue as planned hello millie pls stop reading ily thx💗 also ur all so lovely thank uuu]

'I don't believe you.' Rosie said slowly, searching his eyes. 'I didn't believe any of that.'

Draco bit his lip in frustration. Why did she have to be so damn beautiful, even when she was being bloody argumentative? Why couldn't she just believe the lies he was telling her? He knew he shouldn't be the one who was angry...after all, the Pansy situation was completely his fault. But why should he change his entire way of being, his entire attitude just for some girl? The sad thing is, he would change; for her he would.

'Don't be so naive, Williams. Stop trying. You're just embarrassing yourself.' He roughly released his grip on the collar of her robes, however, still remaining a close distance to her. Her face screwed up with angry disbelief.

'You know what, Malfoy, I will stop. I'll stop trying to see the good in you, because obviously there is none.'

'Finally she realises.' Draco announced loudly, scoffing theatrically as if talking to a crowd. His voice lowered as he continued. 'You can't sprinkle your happy Rosie hufflepuff dust and expect everyone to change for the better. It doesn't work that way. Not everyone is how you wish they could be.'

'No, they aren't. You're a perfect example of that. At the end of the day, Draco, it's a choice. Who you are is your own choice...nobody else's. And your decision was to be nothing else but a prick. I see that now.' Rosie replied calmly. She was done with this conversation.

She looked up from his face and saw that a small crowd had gathered around to watch them argue. The crowd was silent, anxiously watching with bated breath at what was going to happen next. They had never anyone talk down to Draco Malfoy in such a way before.

She saw Cedric push his way through the crowd and make his way towards her. His face was etched with concern, eyes filled with a soft worry, and completely free of any judgement. Draco was about to open his mouth with an angry response, but Cedric took Rosie's arm.

'We should go.' He said quietly. She glanced at Draco.

Draco's fists clenched so hard that his nails cut into his skin. Fury and hatred smouldered in his narrowed eyes as he glared at Diggory. He wanted to bash his head in. Why was he always hovering around like an irritating, pathetic fly? Draco's eyes moved to Rosie. She was eyeing him warily as though he was a bomb about to blow up. Her cheeks were flushed from shouting at him, and Draco saw that a bruise was already forming into a nasty purple on her left cheekbone. This is so not what he meant when he said he wanted to cover her in his bruises. This made him feel nauseous with guilt.

His own bruise was throbbing, so he didn't have to imagine how much pain she was in. His poor, sweet, brave girl- she didn't even complain or cry. A part of him wanted to pull her down onto his lap and stroke her cheek until it was healed. But the murderous looks in both her and Diggory's eyes told him that wasn't a very wise idea.

But although he felt guilt, he mostly felt resentment. How dare she talk to him like that. How dare she get inside his head. Her words had hurt him like a million knives. He knew he had hurt her too. Now he wanted to hurt her more. He wanted to punish her for raising her voice at him. She deserved to be bent over, and spanked hard until her perky arse was red and raw. Draco wanted to sink his dick in deep and pound into her until all she could see were stars, and all she could do was scream his name. She deserved that.

When Draco broke out of his thoughts and looked up, Rosie and Cedric had left. He hadn't even realised that he had sat back down on the grass. His head was light. What had just happened? He could tell by the ferocity in her voice that whatever there had been between them was over. That was fine by him. He didn't need her. In the week he had known her, she had caused him way too much trouble. Perhaps now he would sleep better now. He tried to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach as he lied to himself. He had been lying to himself, and Rosie, this whole time. He needed her, and now it was too late.

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