Chapter 5

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After breakfast, Rosie headed back to the Hufflepuff common room to collect her new timetable for the year. This was an extremely important year for her as she would be taking her OWLs at the end, and she decided she was going to work super do this she needed to avoid a certain blonde slytherin at all costs.

She raked through the massive pile of envelopes until finally coming across one that had her name, 'Rosie Williams', written across in black ink. Opening it, she learnt her first lesson was potions with Snape. Without thinking anything of it, she headed to the dungeons where his classroom was located.

As she walked, she focused her mind on the year ahead. Excitement began to bubble in her as she cheerfully daydreamed about what Hogwarts had in store for her this year. More trips to Hogsmeade, the christmas ball, loads of quidditch matches! Rosie had been so lost in thought that she hadn't looked at the time. She was late. She was never late. She began to pick up her pace hurriedly, mortified at the thought of being so late on her first day back- not to mention Snape was a right old sourpuss who would assign her to detention without a second thought.

Hastily she flung open the door, hoping that she wouldn't be noticed and she could slip behind a desk at the back.

'How nice of you to grace us with your presence, Williams.' Snape drawled sarcastically. Everyone in the class snapped round their heads to stare at her.

'Sir, I'm so sorry, I-'

'Detention. And minus fifteen points from hufflepuff.' He snarled. She nodded timidly in response, blushing furiously at all the stares focused on her; she felt like an animal in a zoo. Instantly, one particular pair of grey eyes caught her gaze. You have got to be kidding me, she thought.

He was smirking at her, seemingly amused at her outburst into the classroom. Her face progressed into a deeper shade of red when she finally realised what had happened the last time they were in this room together. He raised his eyebrows suggestively and she knew he was thinking the same thing. Memories surged back of his powerful stature that had dominated her, that had gorged into her hungrily.

Rosie wondered why he was being playful towards her after what had happened between them after breakfast. Not only did it confuse her, but it acutely annoyed her.

Draco had tuned out Snape's tedious drawl, playing with his wand between his fingers. Another boring year of lessons. He had barely showed up to lessons last year, and as a punishment, his father told Snape to watch him like a hawk. The OWLs were stupid to Draco, he knew he was just going to end up doing what his father was, so why did he need to bother to obtain pointless qualifications?

He was jerked out of his thoughts as the doors of the classroom launched open loudly. In stumbled a frustratingly familiar curly haired brunette, panting and out of breath, clutching her books to her chest protectively as if they acted as a shield. Draco couldn't help but smile at this dramatic entrance, her frantic expression making it even more amusing to him. Her dimpled cheeks turned a flaming shade of red as soon as she locked eyes with him. He saw a flash of indignant annoyance in her eyes as he smirked over at her. Potions class just got a whole lot more interesting-he was definitely going to enjoy winding her up.

It was different when he was around her...he was more erratic...too unpredictable. His hatred for her and the way she made him feel had simmered for the moment, but Draco knew it wouldn't be long before he was overcome with hatred once more. He hated her for the way she could make him vulnerable. For the way she made him feel things. Draco had been surrounded by darkness his whole life and she made him feel warm. The unfamiliar feeling repulsed him.

Draco knew exactly how it would affect her as he raised a knowing,arrogant eyebrow, still smirking and maintaining their stubborn eye contact. Her mouth dropped open. Draco watched her smugly, half expecting her to faint from mortification. He enjoyed watching her squirm, still stood by the door in front of everyone, and as a result he felt immensely powerful. He felt possessive over her, and enjoyed watching different emotions surface on her face through his will. Nobody else would be able to control her like he did- he wouldn't let them. Nobody else should even dare.

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