Chapter 10

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i am SO sorry i haven't updated in ages i just started college and its been MANIC. but i promise ill update quicker from now on💗💗💗

Draco's POV

I could tell she was stunned when I left her. I could literally feel her holding her breath as I leaned in to speak in her ear. Even then, I could smell her sweet scent. It smelled even better on her than in that cauldron.

I wonder what the potion had smelled like to her. If it had been shit and wet socks, and perhaps the lingering scent of desperation, I'd have known it was Diggory. But unfortunately, I hadn't been able to read her face. If I were to be optimistic, I'd guess that Diggory was not the one she had smelled, considering she didn't scrunch her face up with disgust at the smell. I was too proud to ask her, however. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction that I cared. It's just a potion after all.

I carried walking down the corridor. I needed to get ready for the oncoming quidditch match against Griffindor. My father had provided my team with the most spectacular new editions of brooms, so there was no way we'd be loosing. Plus, Potter was so batty blind and useless, I'd be able to find the snitch before he could even lug his fat arse up into the air. I bet I could find the snitch before he could say the word 'orphan.'

This was the first match of the year. I hoped with impatience that the other Slytherins wouldn't mess it up for me. I swore to godric, if those stupid Griffindors beat Slytherin, I'd get my father to sue. Dumb school was so biased in favour towards them. Without the pity from the teachers, Griffindor would be nothing.

Griffindor was the only team we had much competition towards. The Hufflepuff team were useless little things, with no ferocity or drive in their gameplay. They were too courteous. Not a very impressive tactic if you ask me. Last time we played Hufflepuff we destroyed them, leaving four of their players in the hospital was completely their fault for getting in the way. I hoped we'd be playing Hufflepuff soon. Cedric was the sodding captain, and I couldn't wait to knock him off his high horse-literally. Hopefully he'd break an arm so he wouldn't be able to touch Rosie.

Although Ravenclaw had, some might say, admirable gameplay plans, they also, didn't measure towards Slytherin. They all just rely on their brains to help them win, but I don't think they realise that actual physical skill is needed too. They can't just nerd-out on the strategy and expect it to get them very far... they usually fell short at the execution.

Which leaves bloody Griffindor. I'm surprised they're ever even able to play, what with their heads always being up their own arses. The times they've beat us before have been nothing but slip ups on Slytherin's part. We easily could have won if certain oafs (cough Goyle cough) would learn to stop pissing around and catch a ball every once in a while. Needless to say, I was desperate to win today.

I wondered if this sudden desperate desire to succeed had anything to do with that certain curly haired Hufflepuff, but I shook the idea out of my head instantly. Rosie probably wouldn't even be watching- she didn't really seem the sporty type. One gust of wind from those heights on a broom and she'd be blown away like a fragile little rag doll. The thought of her up there playing quidditch made my stomach turn. The thought of anything happening to her if she did. I knew by now that she wasn't the innocent, helpless little Hufflepuff I had once thought...the way she had spoken to me definitely changed my mind about that...but I still felt the overwhelming desire to protect her. She would probably hate that, I thought with a smile.

I arrived at the changing rooms, looking around at the players who were already there with a sneer. They looked up as they saw me walk in, immediately stopping their conversations.

'We had better beat those bastards.' Was all I said coldly, then continuing to walk towards my locker. I pulled out the familiar green robes and stared down at them, my mouth pulled into a tight line. Ambition coursed through me.

His Hufflepuff (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now