Chapter 4

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Rosie couldn't sleep that night. She had heard Bella creep back into their dorm a while after she got back, but she pretended to be asleep. She couldn't face not telling her best friend what had happened, but she also couldn't bear to utter the words out loud.

Even as the autumn sun flooded into their dorm, Rosie remained lying on her back, staring at the ceiling as she had done the whole night- with no intention to get up and go to classes. The previous night had really twisted her mind and she couldn't stop thinking about the silver haired boy. She couldn't stop wondering if he was thinking of her too.

'Rosie get up, we're going to be late for breakfast.' Bella stood over her bed, a concerned eyebrow raised.

Rosie groaned and turned around to bury her face in her pillow. Initially, she had no intention of showing her face in the castle today- she felt as though everyone's eyes would be on her. But the more she pondered over it, the more she realised she wanted to see him again. She wanted to find out anything about him.

'Bella...please pull me up.' Rosie pouted and stretched her arms out, giving her friend a cheeky grin as she took hold of her hands and helped her sit upright.

'You baby.'

'I hope there's waffles for breakfast i'm starving.'

Rosie began to slowly get dressed, fuzzy from a night of no sleep. She almost fell over when trying to put a leg in her jeans. To make matters worse, she had a splitting hangover, which was surprising since during the heated events of the night, she had quickly sobered up.

Along their way to the Great Hall, Bella explained ecstatically her night at the party. She had met a really cute griffindor boy and they talked the whole night, realising they had loads in common, including a crippling passion for herbology. Rosie realised with a flush of embarrassment how different their nights had been.

'Which one is he then?' Rosie giggled, nudging Bella as they walked through the doors of the great hall. Bella stopped walking and scanned the table of red wizards until a bright smile grew on her face.

'Him.' She pointed shyly. 'His name's Neville and oh Merlin he is so sweet. He's meeting me in the library later and we're going to be studying ahead for our first herbology lesson of the year tomorrow. I really really like him, Rosie.'

Rosie's heart warmed as she watched her friend continue to talk animatedly about Neville. Now that Bella had pointed him out, she realised she recognised him from her potions class. She had never spoken to him, and neither had Bella until the party; it really had brought the most unlikely of pairs together.

They took their seats at the hufflepuff table, and to Rosie's delight there were waffles. She stacked her plate and began vigorously demolishing them. All the while, she scanned the great hall for a certain silver haired boy. She was curious as to which house he was in, but she already had quite a good idea.

Sure enough, she locked eyes once again with his cold, grey stare. It felt strangely familiar. She could tell he had already been watching her, and a heat rose to her cheeks. She gave a faint smile, but in return, to her dismay, he curled his lip and looked away. Her smile faltered.

'Who's he?' She asked Ollie, a sixth year who was sat next to her. She nodded her head in the direction of the boy that had haunted her mind all night.

'Rosie you're joking right?' Ollie furrowed his brows in confusion, giving her a strange stare. 'That's Draco Malfoy...his dad is Lucius Malfoy whos honestly the most entitled prick that i've met. Guess that's where Draco gets it. I'm surprised you haven't bumped into Draco yet, he has a habit of making himself known.'

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