Chapter 3

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The friend Rosie left behind didn't even cross her mind as she exited the party with the mysterious boy. It's ironic, she thought to herself, it's my first time at one of these parties and i barely lasted fifteen minutes.

The ice haired boy had his hand on the small of her back, as he led her out and down a corridor. Soon, the sound of the music and teenagers had faded, leaving only a heavy silence between them, and the echoed tapping of their shoes on the cold stone floor.

'Where are we going?' Rosie inquired softly, knotting her hands together.

She didn't look at his face but she could hear the impatience in his voice. 'Not far. I have the perfect place.' Rosie didn't give him a reply, and wondered if this really was the best idea. This was hardly a good way to make friends outside of hufflepuff, which had been her aim. She hoped that this boy would be gentle with her, just as the other hufflepuff boys had been, and above all, she really hoped she wouldn't regret this. Rosie, being open minded, decided to stop overthinking and let what would happen, happen.

'In here.'

His gruff voice snapped her out of her deep thoughts and she realised they were stood outside Snape's potions classroom. Her jaw dropped.

'Merlin's beard, you're joking.' She gasped. 'Snape will feed us to death eaters.'

He put a finger under her chin and lifted her face, planting a slow kiss on her surprised lips to shut her up.

'Not if he doesn't find out.' He whispered onto her mouth.

And with that the discussion was over. She surrendered to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back gently, letting this be just another crazy aspect of a crazy night. He pressed her against the locked door, his body pinning her hard. His cold hands untwined her fingers from around his neck and held them above her head against the door, then wedged his hard erection between her legs. Rosie moaned into his mouth, feeling her legs become weak and her groin begin to throb. He left her swollen mouth and began kissing down her neck, nipping aggressively at the tender skin, causing Rosie to arch her back in pleasure.

Suddenly, the boy stepped back, leaving her a panting, flushed mess. He ignored her confusion and placed his hand on the door.

'Lily.' He said, and in obedience, the door to the classroom swung open.

'He keeps it locked with a password, but I've heard him say it before. Must be his favourite flower or something stupid like that.' He sneered, rolling his eyes as they entered the musty classroom. It was dark and there was a heavy smell of old books and burning. Before Rosie could even catch her breath, the boy flung the door shut and slunk slowly towards her. The bang of the door made her flinch, and she realised just how close he was to her. Their hot breaths intertwined,thickening the air between them, as they stared into each others eyes, her head tilted upwards to meet his.

Rosie thought his cold, grey eyes were somewhat beautiful, if not intimidating, and this unnerved her. They didn't even know each others names. It all seemed too personal.

Despite the fact that he had left her craving more outside the room, her heart was now thudding doubtfully. She knew he was the type to do this often, with many different girls, so there would be no awkwardness on his end. But nevertheless, she couldn't help but feel the desire to know him first. In fact, staring into his eyes, with his intense glare looking into her soul...she was afraid of him. She bit her lip in concern and his heavy eyes, almost ink black, trailed down to them.

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