Chapter 6

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Detention with Draco and Snape was uneventful. Snape had kept a close, suspicious eye on the pair throughout the hour, making them sit in total silence. Draco had been assigned to sit three rows directly behind Rosie, so that any form of communication was blatantly obvious to the professor. It was almost as if Snape had caught wind of their *very subtle* interactions.

For the duration, Rosie could almost feel the burning heat of Draco's gaze on the back of her head. Self conscious of her posture, she fidgeted and squirmed uncomfortably, before deciding to rest her head on the desk awkwardly.

The hour ticked by frustratingly slowly. A whole hour of silence. A whole hour to think. And of course, she thought about Draco. About the impulsive, heated, desperate kiss they shared just moments before. The room was so silent she could hear his slow breathing, and she wanted nothing more than to throw a chair at Snape, grab Draco and escape.

His steady, deep breaths taunted her. How was he so calm? Rosie's heart was still beating maniacally. He seemed to have this effect on her; like she had just taken a drug and it was coursing through her veins, pumping adrenaline all around her body. To her, Draco was like a drug: addictive and euphoric, but very dangerous...very bad for her. Was he worth it? The only feelings she had for him were sexual, and perhaps a curious fantasy for something that she didn't know yet. He made her feel things even Cedric, or any other boy, had never quite awakened within her. Draco made her feel desired. He made her feel like she was the drug.

There was a fear within her that she wasn't enough for Draco, that she was too different from him- as he had pointed out in their last argument. What if he got bored with her?

Summoning confidence, she slowly began to tie up her hair in a ponytail, exposing the creamy skin of her neck. She tilted her head to the side, elongating her neck and sighed, smiling as she heard Draco cough with surprise behind her.

Draco's hands twitched impatiently as he watched her gather her cascading curls of hair up. Seeing her stretch and sigh like that made his crotch restless, and all he wanted to do was grab her and turn her over on the desk, wrapping his hands around that soft neck of hers. Smirking, he let his thoughts wander to when she was naked and lying on that exact desk, moaning and whimpering under his command...because of him. She had come undone because of him. Her submission made him feel formidable and he wanted to feel that power again.

As soon as Snape announced that detention was over and they exited the room, Draco grabbed Rosie's small hand roughly, pulling her down a few corridors until he was certain Snape wouldn't happen along them. He didn't want to admit it, but he liked the shy intimacy of his hand enveloping a way it was another form of feeling like her protector. But he hastily let go of her hand as soon as they stopped walking. Hand, that was just too intimate for him to handle.

She bit her lip, watching him with coy amusement and in seconds his lips came crashing onto hers. An hour without her touch had felt like years.

Draco's hands were tearing across her body, as if in a trance of desperate desire. His hands reached between her legs, and he bunched up her skirt, allowing his fingers to trace the thin cotton of her underwear. She gasped as she felt his cold hands through the material.

Draco pulled away from her mouth and, as he was about to start kissing her neck, caught sight of it with a sudden angry realisation.

'Where are all the marks I left on you?' He demanded, stopping what he was doing and roughly tightening his grip on the band of her underwear, as his other hand grabbed the back of her neck.

'I tried to hide them with a dodgy cloaking spell but I ended up using loads of concealer. They were so dark, Draco, surely you didn't expect me to go around school like that?' She replied, nose crinkling with confusion. She knew Bella would have a fit if she saw, not to mention the judgement from the teachers. His eyes were hard and cold.

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