Chapter 11

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Rosie's POV

His robes were so big on me that they puddled around my feet, and I could feel my body quivering with the cold underneath. For a moment, I thought he looked as though he was going to move towards me to warm me up, but he quickly averted his eyes and stayed where he was stiffly.

He turned away and put back on his wet quidditch kit, not even wincing as he pulled the cold fabric over his skin. I liked how it clung to his tall frame.

I found it curious how awkward he was. Never had I met this Draco. He looked as though he didn't know what to do with was almost as if he had never stayed around with a girl after sex. My face remained calm and indifferent, but inside I was secretly amused at how he wouldn't look me in the eye. It was cute to me.

His awkwardness was quickly replaced with his usual, indifferent, arrogant smirk once he became aware of himself.

'Let's go... I'm not a fan of sleeping on changing room floors.' He said smoothly, taking my arm and steering me towards the door. And just like that, suave Draco was back, without a hint of the uneasiness I had seen in his eyes earlier. But his act didn't fool me. I could tell he was unsure.

The rain had stopped, thankfully, and now the air was cold and sharp. As I stepped out of the building the cold cupped my face, causing contagious numbness to spread through my body. I gave a sharp exhale and a I could see the little puff of air dance, swirling upwards and getting lost into the thin night air. I followed it with my eyes, raising my head to the clear sky. Stars littered the deep black mass of sky, sparkling like scattered moon dust. Although I was cold, my heart had never felt so warm being here with him.

'Do you ever wonder what's up there?'

Draco's question surprised me, and I tilted my head to look at him standing next to me, his own head raised to the sky, staring in awe. His voice was soft and hesitant.

'All the time.' I replied quietly, still watching him. He had never looked so serene and peaceful, his features completely relaxed.

Draco was silent for a while, then lowered his head.

'My mother once told me she named me after the constellation Draco because she knew I was going to do great things. She said that I was something so much bigger than this small, cruel world, and that if I ever felt lost, I should look to the stars and know that's where I belonged. Obviously, my father scoffed this...but still I never forgot it.'

He didn't look me in the eye.

My heart tugged as I looked at the broken boy beside me. I moved in front of him so he was facing me.

'She was right, Draco.'

His eyes met mine. They were stark, molten silver in contrast to the black of the night around us, and were filled with hesitant, undecided trust. Internal conflict was written over his face. He looked at me softly for a few more seconds, and then his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he looked away. I placed a hand on his arm to try to get him to look at me again. He just shrugged me off roughly, and when he looked back at me, his eyes were now emotionless.

'No, she was chatting shit. My father was right. It means nothing to me, I just thought it was an amusing story to share.' He said blankly, his face indifferent and cold. He was pushing me away again.

'Draco-' I started to say, but he interrupted me.

'Don't.' He started to walk back towards the castle. 'Don't Rosie.'

I hurried after him. Why couldn't he realise it wasn't a weakness to show emotion? Why couldn't he trust me?

I knew I couldn't force anything out of Draco- I didn't want to. He'd open up to me when and if he wanted to. I'd just have to be patient. I was beginning to realise that being with Draco would require an immense amount of patience.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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