Chapter One - Encounter

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POV - Wels
After meeting with Beef to test his cloning device, it felt like there was a part of him that was missing. He didn't like that, that empty feeling in your stomach? It felt like his entire body was screaming for Wels to stop moving,

No, I have to get my nether portal working

"Ugh, it's got to be here somewhere!" The knight wanted to get his portal working before getting to bed, if Bdubs didn't beat him to it that is.
As he exited his house, walking over to the unlit portal, that nauseating feeling vanished.
Out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw something, or someone wearing mostly silver with red, the mystery person flew off before he could get a good look

Eh, probably Grian he thought. after all, that little gremlin flew all over the place!

Wait... Grian doesn't wear silver, even his wings are a lilac purple! The knight racked his brain for any of the hermits who would wear both red and silver, nothing. And with the pit in his stomach coming back, it was hard to think straight. Wels knew he had just eaten some golden carrots and the thought of eating even one more made his stomach churn.

Wels didn't even notice that he was tired when he suddenly yawned, he headed back inside thinking whether or not to grab his elytra and fly after this mystery person or not.

He didn't even make it inside before collapsing onto the ground with a thud, unable to move further.

The last thing he saw was red and silver again before his consciousness peaced out

(HIATUS) Am I really different? (Hermitcraft AU)Where stories live. Discover now