Chapter 12: Recovery Part 1

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Miruko pov
9:09 p.m

The police arrived to arrest both criminals and bring them to Tartarus while (h/n) was being loaded into an ambulance. "I'm riding with you," I said the ambulance technician. "I'm sorry Miruko but we can't ha-," "That wasn't a request. He's my partner, I go where he goes." " Uh......y-yes ma'am...." the technician said as I got into the ambulance. Luckily the ride to the hospital wasn't very long so we were able to make it on time. They brought (h/n) into the emergency room and told me that they were going to tend to his wounds and keep him alive. "When can I see him?" "It'll probably be at least two hours Miruko, and he most likely won't be awake for even longer." the doctor said before heading into the emergency room.

Miruko pov
11:22 p.m

I was half asleep when the doctor came out of the emergency room and told me how (h/n) was doing. "He lost quite a bit of blood and three of his ribs have slight fractures but he'll recover. We've preformed some minor surgery and given him some blood. He also has a large amount of stitches on his side so that will limit how much hero work he can do. He'll be out of here in a day or two and he should be able to get back in action in a week. Oh, and you can see him now." "Thank you!" I practically screamed as I ran into the room and saw (h/c) laying on a hospital bed unconscious. I walked up to him and noticed the IV bag that was pumping fluids into his body to keep him healthy. I sat down on the chair right next to his bed and I couldn't help but notice how the way his (h/c) hair was parted made him look really cute. I didn't even notice the slight blush on my cheeks as I began talking to him, unsure if he could even hear me. "Hey (h/n), I uh......I'm glad to hear that you'll make it and.....fuck I'm sorry..."I said as a tears started to build up, "This is all my fault. If had just taken out Heavy Metal faster then I could've saved you.I don't know h-how I could live with myself if you had died. I'm so sorry (h/n) I....I..." I couldn't even finish my sentence without bursting into sobs. I buried my face into my palms as I wiped away the tears from my cheeks. I quickly stood up from my seat and and bent over him. "I'm going to make it up to you, I promise." I held his hand for a moment before leaving the room.
Author's note: sorry for the slow update. I'll try and publish the next part sooner than this one.

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