57: Draw It Out

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The air is still. Both his parents stare. Blank. Then they slowly look at each other. Jonah can feel Cole try to loosen from his grip, so he lowers both their hands and lets go. His eyes stay locked onto his mom and dad. He's confused. He was expecting an instant reaction. Then he sees his dad's expression crinkle to a cunning smirk.

"Well," Greg finally says.

Jonah feels the back of his neck break into a sweat. Don't do it, dad, he thinks. Don't. Do. It.

He holds out a hand to shake. "Hi boyfriend, I'm dad!"

Immediately he wants to facepalm. Until he notices Cole tentatively lift his other hand from its hiding spot to shake. It's awkward, but Greg appears satisfied behind his well-groomed moustache, breaking the handshake after a couple seconds. Somehow the tension has vanished, like the steam from the food. Finally it's his mom's turn to speak.

"I knew it," she says, turning to her husband while pointing, "this was the guy!"

Jonah blinks a couple times. "What are you talking about? Did you guys seriously do a bet?"

Sharon waves her arms about. "No, no honey! I just had a feeling Cole was your boyfriend! It's a mom instinct, y'know?"

He turns to Cole, who's also sharing a look of confusion. He tries to swallow a laugh, but it comes out as quiet snorts.

"Hey! What's so funny?"

"Nothing, mom," Jonah says. "This is just a first, is all."

"Hmm, okay. Anyway, shall we keep eating?"

"That's it, though? You're not, surprised it's-"

"Of course not, honey," she smiles. "I don't care who it is as long as you're happy, right dear?"

Greg is busy chewing, so he nods. He looks like a chipmunk stuffing food in his cheeks. Everyone bursts into laughter. Jonah glances at Cole, who's lifting a hand to cover his smiling mouth as if he's guilty for the reaction.

"Okay, now let's continue." Sharon grabs their attention. "Food's getting cold!"

Everybody continues eating their food. Sounds of cutlery and small conversation fill the room once again, like nothing changed. And Jonah feels relieved of that. From the looks of it so does Cole. Every minute that passes by, he notices him become more relaxed.


After finishing their meals, Greg stands up, collecting everybody's dishes. Sharon points out that he's the only one, telling Jonah to help as well. Cole attempts to pitch in, but gets pushed back politely since he's the guest of the house. Greg offered to make a toast for Jonah and Cole, to which Jonah immediately dragged him away saying "that's too weird". Before Cole exits the kitchen, he peeks back in for a moment.

"Uh, thank you for the meal, by the way."

Sharon looks at him with a beaming smile, waving her arm covered in soapy bubbles from the sink. Greg smacks a bubble in the air with a dry cloth, making her glare at him. He excuses himself to follow Jonah back to his room. From behind, he can hear them mutter with excitement about Jonah being in a relationship, and how it's "been years". Curiosity peers his mind. He remembers the night when Jonah covered up his bruise with concealer, how he mentioned his ex taught him and they're good friends. Then he wonders how Jonah treated his ex, or exes. He had to have been an amazing boyfriend to them, he thinks. I mean, to break up and still be friends with your exes seems taboo, yet he treats it like no big deal. Envy is a terrible feeling. He drags out of his doubts once he enters Jonah's room and sees him organizing something by his closet.

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