31: Stop Overthinking

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Hey!! we're taking sunset photos at the park if you wanna come meet us. :D

Now it hurts to see someone else texting him. He takes in a breath, then exhales. Stop overthinking it, Cole. He opens up the message and taps up a response.


ill b there in 10.

He feels the need for fresh air. He hates to admit it, but his mom was right. She always nagged at him years ago about 'going outside and smelling the natural mountain air'.

A few minutes before leaving, he leaves his phone screen on a post from a philosophy quote account.

'We often suffer more from our imagination than we do from reality.'

A friendly reminder to pull himself together.


There are many people gathering at the beach taking photos. Some are with families, some are couples. Some have selfie sticks, others attempt to take a panoramic photo. Cole walks behind Dakota and Lily, who are trying to capture the sunset. The lake creates an almost perfect horizon line. Mountains tower on both sides, collecting clouds.

"You almost got it," Lily says, flipping through the photos. "The sun's a bit too bright in this angle."

Dakota points. "Let's go up to the end, then. Lots of people are there getting a better shot."

They link arms with Lily, then look behind them. Cole is dazzled in his own world, staring at the lake water and all the people passing by. They slow down a bit, linking their other arm around Cole. He blinks, shaking his head out of trance.

"We're going to go to the end of the beach!" Dakota says.

"Oh, alright."

"There's a little ice cream stand there too," Lily smiles.

"Ah," Dakota smirks, "so that's why there's so many people."

While linking both of their arms, Dakota sways to the rhythm of music playing on a nearby portable radio. Their contagious smile wafts onto both Lily and Cole as they lip-sync the lyrics.

"Oh yeah Cole," Lily nods at him. "Dakota and I are going to the local gay bar tonight. If, you wanna come."

Cole rubs the back of his head. "Nah, I'm uh, kinda tired from today. Plus I work tomorrow morning."

Dakota frowns. "Aw. They've got good prices on drinks, since it's well, Pride month."

He glances at the open lake view. Oh yeah, it is Pride month... he thinks.

"Yeah," Lily flicks some hair away from her face. "I tried searching for other Pride events here, but they don't have them when we're around. Your town's Pride parade is also in August."

Dakota raises an eyebrow. "August?"

She nods. "Weird, right?"

"I've, been to it," Cole swallows.

"Yeah? How was it?"

He bites his lip. "Good I guess. Except like, one of my friends got a black eye from popping champagne."

"You can bring liquor?!"

"He was... drunk before we got there. Good times."

Dakota nudges him. "Hey! Maybe you'll find yourself a date," they sneer, "unless...?"

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