63: Tense Matches

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Tigers are ahead with one point. Halftime has approached, so the team are gathered together for the quick water break. Cole checks his phone in the soccer bag. No new messages. He turns and sees a small group huddled around Joel, patting his back and fist-bumping him.

    "Great goal dude."

    "Yeah you killed it man."

    "It's good the striker is back."

    Joel shows his usual annoyed face, but with the compliments he's receiving, he softens up into triumphant pride.

    "Yeah give me all the praise, you obviously missed me," he says with arms crossed over his chest.

    "Don't get too cocky, bud," Graham says with a laugh. "We still got a whole other half. Nebula's got us on our toes."

    Brett butts in on the conversation. "So then we'll give our all for the last half. It's our last game of the season."

    The whistle goes off and the second half is about to commence. Coach Ryan waves everybody over with his board.

    "We're gonna have the same lineup, except Jordan will be swapped out with Zack and join Axel as the subs off."

    Jordan blinks. "Wait, me?"

    He looks at him. "Yes?"

    "But I'm all pumped up, coach. I'm good for another while."

    The coach then scratches his head. "Oh, okay then..."

    Cole looks amongst the others, then raises his hand. "Hey coach?"

    "Yes Cole?"

    "I'll sub off. I'm fine with it."

    "Alright," he scribbles something on his board. "Jordan will stay on, then, and Cole will come off."

    "Let's do a halftime cheer guys!" Ashton throws a fist in an imaginary circle.

    Others shrug in a 'why not?' and throws their hands in as well. Including the coach. Before they yell out 'Go Tigers!' though, Brett nods at Kacey, who's still sitting down.

    "Kacey, join our last cheer."

    He laughs. "Our last? What about when the game's done?"

    "Here, I'll help you up."

    Kacey blinks, but can't turn it down. Cole feels like he should help, until two people suddenly zoom past him. Kacey's hoisted up by Brett, alongside Ashton swooping in, as he limps with both on either side to meet the circle opening up for him to join. The teammates hype him up, then say 'yeahhh!' once he piles his hand on top of the others.

    "Okay gang," Coach Ryan says, "one, two, three!"

    "Go Tigers!" All shout.

    Once the team breaks apart to get to their positions, Cole hears the crowd on the other side of the field whistle and wave their cow bells. Nebula also do their cheer, then disperse to the original setup on the field.

    "Aren't we too old to be doing that though?" Joel mumbles to Graham as they pass by.

    "Dude, all teams gotta do it no matter how corny it is. And don't remind me that I'm gonna be twenty three next month. You're still nineteen, enjoy it while it lasts."

    They both laugh while walking on the field. Cole hears someone beside him. He turns and sees it's Kacey limping back to the blanket pile. Like what Brett and Ashton do, he comes up beside him, his hand planted on Kacey's back for support.

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