30: Tension Rises

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He rehearsed it over and over to himself.

"So just know that I'll be patient for your answer. I don't expect a quick response back, I just needed to tell you..."

And like crumpled paper, he shook his head and let out a 'nahhh, that's too cheesy'. He paced back and forth, trying to figure out how to put it all together. He asked his friend, Ben, but kept it vague. He thought over and over, what pulls him to Cole? What drives him crazy? His patience, he thought. His patience, how he listens to people, his interesting sense of humour, the shape of his nose, the fact that he has a heart shaped mole on his neck. How secretive he seems. How he looks like he needs someone to open up to, and feel comfort in doing so. He remembers, when taking a class with Cole in it, how focused he was on the quotes from famous philosophers. He sat in the very back, while Cole was a far distance in the front.

His favourite quote, from taking that elective class, was 'Those who are hardest to love, need it the most'. Never did he think it would click to him when he finally met Cole at the first soccer practice. From bumping into him at university, to playing a scrimmage, to giving his number in a sly manner at the party, all up to now.

Yet, he couldn't tell Cole he liked him. Not only because it wasn't the right timing. But also because he was worried that, maybe he was falling in love too fast.


A slightly ajar curtain sneaks in sunlight from the window. Cole opens his heavy eyes. The clock reads 11:27am. Shit! He shoots up, looking around. Jonah isn't in his bed. He stands up, rubbing his crusted eyes, and notices something on the desk. A note, followed by a pill and a glass of water. The writing looks like it was done quickly, but somehow still legible.

'Take this if you have a hangover'.

He presses his fingers to his forehead, feeling around for any pain. His bruise is starting to fade. No sign of a pounding headache. He tries to dig back into what happened last night, but all the memories are foggy. I didn't drink that much, right? he thinks. Still, all he can remember right now was the storm.

Out of the room, he hears metal clanging against plastic. Someone's in the kitchen. He quickly slides on his pants and follows the noise. It's Sharon cleaning some utensils in the sink. She perks up when she sees Cole.

"Oh, Cole right?" She beams. "Jonah had to go to work. He didn't wanna disturb you sleeping, so I let you be."

Cole rubs his exhausted eyes again. "Oh... okay."

"Feel free to have what you like for breakfast. I'm not sure if you have any allergies, but we have cereal in the cupboards beside you and bread for toast."

He nods, making his way to the bread. Beside the bread basket is a bowl of fruit filled with spotted bananas. His stomach aches for something edible, but his brain is telling him he's already full. He thinks downing a fruit juice will wake up his system, then reaches for the fridge door.

"Uh," he says, "where do you keep the cups?"

Sharon strolls up behind him, opening a cupboard. She plops a cup beside him. "There you go."

"Oh, thank you."

Within the fridge are trays filled with condiments, salsas and cheeses. In the main cabinet are the drinks. He pulls out a bottle filled with orange juice and pours some in the cup. As soon as he takes a sip, immediately his parched throat becomes quenched. Without haste, he takes another gulp.

Then he remembers what Jonah said last night.

'I like you, more than a friend'.

He spits out his drink, making Sharon go into panicked mom mode.

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