33/blue pigeon shows

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chapter 33: blue pigeon shows
blake ren

       My brows lowered skeptically as Violet came to a stop in the road and turned on her right blinker. I stared past her through her window as she navigated the car into a parallel spot across the street from a certain bar that I know they liked to perform at some weekends.

"Vi?" I asked, letting my question linger. She parked the car and turned the engine off, rummaging around her backseat for her purse and coat.

"Hmm?" she replied distractedly. I stared at the line out the door which filtered people in with the help of another bouncer, just like last time. I think I knew exactly where this was going and I'm not sure I was a huge fan of it.

"Are we here for drinks?"

"Uh sure, we can get drinks." She nodded and smiled at me when she pulled herself back in the front seat again. She let herself out of the car, probably not questioning that I'd follow suit. I waited, released a resentful (definitely aggravated) groan that Violet couldn't hear when she shut the car door, and exited after her.

I thought back to my bed. Damnit. My bed was going to be so cold and sad when I got home, which I'm guessing will be hours from now. I promised it I would be home by eleven tonight, and we would cuddle together until the morning time. Laying in bed sounded so nice, and instead I was teetering across the road, in the cold, in these monstrous heeled boots, towards this dodgy smelly bar with no cash on me.

No cash≠No drinks. I mean, I could always put the works on some stranger but I was too pissy about my feet hurting and the Hot Pockets I had in my freezer that I was missing out on to be here instead.

"Oh gosh, I just— I just noticed that I don't have my fake with me." I put one fist on my hip and snapped my fingers like I was just so tootin mad at myself for it. "Darn that really, really stinks. You know what, I'll just catch up with you guys at school next Monday."

"It's okay we were gonna go through the side entrance anyway. I have special privileges around here." Violet grinned. I grinned back, painfully but I did it.

"Yay," I said with a little bit more enthusiasm than I could mentally afford. Violet went up ahead to unlock the door and my face crumpled behind her where she couldn't see. I silently sobbed up to the quiet night sky.

"Blake, you coming?" I snapped out of it and went inside with Violet. The door lead to the backroom, one I vaguely remembered from that one time Suntide performed and I was throwing up everywhere. Jude was splayed out on the lumpy, stained sofa and was caught off guard when his girlfriend entered the room.

I spotted their instruments and felt a pit form in my stomach. Yep, just as I predicted. I was playing groupie tonight.

"What's up Blake?" Jude greeted with his arms already secured around Violet. I gave him a dude bro head nod that guys always did.

"Sup Jude. You guys already went on or...?" I trailed off, pointing at the bass guitar on a stand.

"Of course not. We couldn't carry a tune without Violet." He started attacking her neck with kisses and I pulled my lips up, slightly grossed out and yet not grossed out enough to look away.

"Babe," Violet scolded and pushed him a bit so he'd knock it off, but she was wearing a teasing smile. Reese came in with Easton and Riley and I swear it was like my whole night was saved.

"Oh thank fuck," I muttered under my breath and marched over to them.

"Blakester!" Riley launched herself at me, laughing maniacally as she got me in a headlock and started rubbing her knuckles on my head.

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