•shut up, count your calories•

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"Are you gonna tell us why you threw her drink in the ground?"
Paris was chewing some gum, looking around nervously.
"Paris? Do you wanna show them what your mom did?"
The girl rolled her eyes at him, "she does it all the time, it's honestly nothing."
JJ's mouth dropped, "for how long?"
"Ever since I lost my V card, okay? You're not my boyfriend JJ so just shut up now."
"Do you two want to fill us in?"
Sighing, Paris nodded at JJ to give him permission to speak.
"Her mom literally made her sit on a washing machine and circled a bunch of shit telling her she had to lose weight by the end of the week.
And she was saying five or ten pounds, like how is that even possible?"
The girl shrugged, "you're being dramatic, I can do that, easy."
The crew stared at her.
"Um, how many times have you lost that much in a week?"
"Kie, stop worrying."
"No, no answer her."
Paris rolled her eyes at Pope, "once a month ever since I lost my virginity."
They all nodded, not knowing exactly what to say, when John B frowned.
"Um, when did you lose it? You never told us about losing it."
She didn't answer.
After a second time of being ignored, everyone started to get fidgety.
"We won't judge you if it was young-"
"Eleven okay? Now shut up about it."
She opened a tub and took a pill.
"Eleven? Are you serious?"
"So much for not judging."
John B put a hand on her thigh, but she pushed it off.
"Wanna tell us about it?"
Paris sighed, "if you have to know, this boy in my class' dad arranged it with my mom, and payed us a million dollars. From then on, we kept doing it whenever she wanted cash. She took me to Disney world though so it was fine."
Nobody said anything.
"Look I'm just gonna bed, y'all can process and come back with criticism in the morning."
"Wait, Paris?"
JJ had his hand around her wrist. "When was the last time you ate?"
"Um, the house?"
"No, you didn't, we didn't bring any food."
"My house this morning?"
"Nope, you ran off to meet Rafe."
John B cringed.
"Okay fine, last night at my party."
JJ shook his head sadly, "we skipped food so we could, well-"
Paris stood up, "well then before the party."
Kie wrapped her arm around the girl.
"You said you weren't eating so the alcohol would hit you quicker."
"Well I have eaten recently, you guys just haven't noticed."
Nobody knew what to say.
"Lets go get you some food."
JJ attempted to guide the girl inside, but she pushed him away.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck. I told you to stay upstairs JJ. Why did you have to get involved in my business? I was perfectly fine how I was."
John B wrapped his arms around her.
"No. You get off, I don't need you trying to make a move again."
She threw her body, so all her weight went against the boys and ran to put some distance away from the pogues.
"Paris, why don't you just have an apple? Just start small."
She shook her head, "that's fifty three calories minimum, and that's about fifty two too much."
Kie's mouth dropped.
"Come on Paris, just one small apple and we can go to bed, okay?"
She nodded and walked inside. Her four friends shared confused looks; they had never noticed her avoid food before, but now they knew about it, they realised they couldn't remember the last time they saw her eating.
Paris fidgeted at the table as JJ cut up an apple and started sliding the slices towards her.
"Okay, there we go."
The girl looked at JJ, and then at the fruit. She squirmed under everyone's watch.
"You know, I'm really not hungry, I'm might just go to bed."
Kiara sat down next to her and shook her head.
"Please Paris, please."
Paris looked up at JJ, eyes almost begging him, but he shook his head as well.
"Look I'll have some apple too, okay," he picked up an apple and took a bite, "see, you can do that too, I know it."
The girl picked up a slice of apple and placed it in her mouth. She chewed for a while before finally giving in and swallowing it. Tears started to run down her cheeks, "please don't make me do any more, please JJ."
The boy wrapped his arms around her, "I'm sorry, but I need you to eat some more."
After the same excruciatingly long process, Paris finally choked the last wedge down.
"I'm just gonna go to bed."
The girl walked off, missing JJ's room completely, and headed straight for the bathroom. Kneeling over the toilet, she took a pill out of her pocket and swallowed it. Within minutes, she was throwing up the contents of her stomach.
JJ's head pricked up at the sound. "Did anyone else hear that?"
The others shook their heads but stayed silent.
They definitely heard it the second time.
"Is she being sick?"
"She didn't look unwell-"
"She's making herself sick, dipshits, fuck."
"No no no no no, Paris."
Everyone ran down the corridor, to find the girl passed out on the bathroom floor, having completely emptied her stomach.
"Fuck, fuck, what do we do?"
Kiara flushed the toilet and started running the bath.
JJ pulled the girl's body into his arms and started rocking, while stroking her hair.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry, oh man, I'm so sorry."
"JJ, she's gonna be fine, we'll help her and she can live here from now on."
"Her mom groomed her didn't she? I mean that must be why she's the way she is isn't it? That's why she can't love me- or anyone."
John B nodded, "yeah I think so, let's just get her in the water okay?"

I'm sorry but you know me my characters aren't anything if they don't have trauma 😼
Also now it's at the point where it's the tv series I wanted to make sure everyone knows that I will not be following the show exactly cause I don't want it to be repetitive for you guys ❤️

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