John B and JJ sat Paris down on the sofa, before sitting opposite her.
"This is an intervention."
The brunette boy pushed the laughing blonde, groaning.
"JJ, we aren't messing around on this, this is serious."
"You guys sort whatever you want on your own, I've got somewhere to be."
She stood up, John B placed his hand gently on her shoulder and pushed her down again.
"See right there, you flinched."
"John, I've got to go, I'm gonna be late."
Her leg was anxiously bouncing.
"What for?" JJ frowned.
"None of your business."
"You're going to see that kid again aren't you."
"He's not just some kid, his name's Peter and he's my boyfriend."
Snorting, John B shook his head, "no, no he's not. You haven't even known him a day."
"That doesn't matter."
JJ ran his hands through his hair, getting more and more frustrated.
"We wanted to talk to you about your choice in people you get with."
"JJ Maybank, my love life is of no concern to you."
"It is when you come home with a black eye and your all jittery and shit."
Paris gently raised her hand to her eye.
"JJ, the black eye was an accident. Just drop this."
"Paris, just listen to us okay. When have any of the guys you've been with treated you with respect."
"You two did."
"Nobody else has."
"Yes they have."
"Okay, what about you not liking relationships, huh? How did that suddenly change overnight? Just admit it, you're scared of him."
"JJ that's enough," John B brought his hand to the boys chest.
With an angry look on her face, Paris stood up.
"You're just jealous because it's not you."
"Maybe I am but it still doesn't change the fact that who you're dating is hurting you."
The girl fell back on the couch, "it was an accident, okay?"
"How did you get the bruises then? Tell me that?"
"Yeah surfing."
John B shook his head, "I call bullshit, surfboards don't make bruises like that."
"And the fact that you said you didn't know he was bad last night is another thing, Paris just talk to us."
She stared at him, not saying a word.
"Paris, I don't want to take you to Heyward and make him talk to you, but I swear to god I will."
It was known among the pogues that Paris can't bring herself to lie to Heyward.
"There's nothing going on, please I need to go."
John B sighed in defeat, "what about our plans to go to the marsh?"
Shaking her head, the girl began to pick up her stuff, "I'll be back by the time you get back, and if I'm not, well, I guess I'll miss out."
"Are you seriously letting her go?"
JJ blocked the door, staring at John B.
"We aren't her parents, JJ."
"Yeah, okay, well Paris, I'm coming with you, I'll stay in the car."
Knowing this was the only way she'd be able to leave, Paris nodded.
"If you don't wanna go in, you don't have to, you know that right? Not even kidding I will go in there and break up with him if you say the word."
"I can do that myself," she sighed.
"Wait, you're gonna break up with him?"
Paris shrugged, "he was so sweet, I don't know how..."
She trailed off, causing JJ to grow concerned.
"Okay I'm gonna go and do it, just wait here. Please."
He nodded and watched her sit still.
"Are you gonna-"
"Just give me a minute okay?"
Shaking herself, Paris left the car and knocked on the door.
Eyes dark, Peter opened the door and caught hold of her wrist, making the two pogues flinch.
"You're late. We need to leave, my friends are expecting you-"
"I'm not coming, I don't like how you treat me and quite frankly this was all a big mess- a mistake- that should never of happened. So we're over, and I don't want you coming near me. Got it?"
The girl stared him down as he glanced towards where JJ was leaning against the van, and was ready to run if he even raised a hand.
Peter lowered his voice and started talking under his breath, "you fucking slut, you're banging JJ Maybank aren't you? Do you know who my father is? Do you know what I can do to someone like you? All you are is a fucking slag and you'll never be more than that, you know that right?"
"And you're a sociopath who abuses women, so I'm just gonna leave you in a house bought with your daddy's money, cause that's where you'll be for the rest of your sad little life-"
He raised his hand in a motion to hit her, but decided against this and lowered it.
Paris walked away, trying not to show her fear, when Peter began to yell, "GO AND FUCK JJ MAYBANK BECAUSE THATS ALL YOU'LL EVER MANAGE; TO FUCK FUCKING TRAILER TRASH-"
JJ ran to hit him, but Paris got there first, punching him in the nose.
"Okay, that was hot-"
"Let's just go JJ."
They drove in silence, neither really wanting to start the conversation.
"You know, now you're single, you could be my girlfriend right?"
She stayed silent.
"Obviously I know you don't, so um, I'm sorry that was really crappy of me-"
Paris gently leaned over and kissed his forehead, sighing happily.
"Why don't you take me on a date first, just to make sure you won't do a Jekyll and Hyde on me, yeah?"
JJ gasped, "you're serious? Like this isn't a funny joke if this is one-"
"You can take me tonight, okay?"
He nodded, practically shaking with excitement.I'm back, soz for keeping you waiting I haven't had any motivation to write whatsoever 😌✌️

The Floozy • JJ MAYBANK • Outerbanks
FanfictionAnd this is Paris. Nobody is really sure if she's a kook or a pogue, but either way she's definitely slumming it to be with us. The girl is a female JJ; she's reckless and hooks up with a new guy each night- saying that she does always come home wit...