Paris was walking for almost an hour before she reaching the kook part of town. From there, it hardly took any time at all for an old creep to catcall her.
She had just tied her shoelaces before straightening up, when a man put his hands on her waist.
"I really liked it better when you were bent over sweetheart."
She pushed him away and continued walking.
"Awh, come on baby, don't be like that. I'm a very nice guy, with a very big dick, don't you wanna spend some time with me?"
The girl rolled her eyes, "I don't do unpaid work creep."
As his eyes lit up, he placed his hand on the small of Paris' back, "I can pay, what's your price?"
Running over her options, the girl paused. JJ had made her promise not to put herself in any more danger, but then he wasn't her boyfriend. And hey, she was feeling reckless anyway. On the plus side, the feeling that she had been craving would be back.
"How much are you offering?"
"Double it and we have a deal."
The man nodded and opened his car door for her.
"Has she called yet?"
Everyone was sat at the chateau, waiting. JJ had been anxiously pacing the room for the past hour.
"Not yet, but she will, okay JJ?"
The boy ignored Kie and ran his hands through his hair.
"I should have gone after her. She might have gone home, and for all we know, her home life could be worse then mine. I mean, what her mom has done, that's emotional abuse and sexual abuse, so what's stopping her from physical?"
John B shook his head, pushing JJ onto a sofa, "Paris is smart, she'll be fine. Just give her some time to cool off and she'll be back."
"I am a little worried, John B. Look outside, Agatha is brewing. She shouldn't be put there on her own."
"Not helping Pope."
Kiara picked up her phone and pressed Paris' name.
"Straight to voicemail."
"It's getting dark, there has to be something wro-"
The door slammed shut and everyone jumped to their feet.
Paris was stood on the porch, soaking wet, shaking uncontrollably.
"Pope get a towel."
JJ ran up to her and wrapped his arms around the girl, "I was so worried where the fuck have you been."
Brushing him off, she sighed, and emptied a brand new designer purse on the floor.
"What's all this?" John B raises his eyebrows at the pile of jewellery, watches, and money in front of her.
"Okay, and how did you get it."
"You don't wanna know."
Draping the towel over her shoulders, Pope went through all the items.
"This is like twenty thousand dollars worth of stuff, how do you have it?"
The girl pursed her lips, and shook her head, "ignorance is bliss."
Nobody knew what to say, so they didn't say anything.
"Alright, I've gotta get home now. Pope I'll drive you on the way."
The two excused themselves, leaving Paris to deal with two judgmental stares.
"Okay, what? Stop looking at me like that."
"I'm not looking at you like anything."
"JJ, you obviously want to say something, so get it over with."
The boy looked at the money and then back at her, "are you gonna tell us honestly where you got that shit, or are you gonna keep breaking the no secrets amongst pogues rule?"
She rolled her eyes, "John B, tell him to stop being nosy."
"No no, I agree with him. Spill."
"An old kook man payed me to have sex with him, and then I robbed him."
"I'm sorry what?"
JJ immediately felt anger building up inside him.
"You heard what I said."
"Your moms mean, so you go and shag someone's grandad?"
"JJ, man, calm down. Don't be a dick."
Paris rolled her eyes, "No go on keep going."
"I don't understand why you have to sleep with someone every other night."
"I don't see you complaining when it's you."
"Well I'm fucking done with that," John B placed a hand on the boys shoulder in a failed attempt to calm him down, "if you don't want anything with me then don't fucking kiss me or try and have sex with me, I've had enough. You make me fee- your such a..." he trailed off realising he had gone too far.
"Such a what? A slut? A whore? A fucking floozy? Is that what I am to you?"
JJ saw red, "yeah, that's about right."
Tears rolling down her cheeks, Paris slapped him with all her body strength and stormed out the door.
JJ slammed his fist against a wall, before following the girl.
"So what? You just gonna run out in a hurricane? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I was just-"
"Just fuck off JJ, you made it clear you don't want a slut to hang around with you, so I'll just find somewhere else."
"Paris, please, it's like midnight. You won't find anywhere. There's a hurricane. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I was just upset okay? You said you liked me and then you bailed."
Paris groaned and wiped the rain from her forehead.
"I had had a seizure like five minutes before, JJ. You can't think I meant that shit. I don't do the whole liking people stuff."
"Yeah well you know what, I think you do. I think you like me and it scares the shit out of you. Because for some fucked up reason or another, having feelings for anyone scares you."
Paris' hand met JJ's face for a second time that night.
JJ's face fell, "please just come inside, I'm trying really hard here, Paris. Just come inside."
Angrily wiping away her tears, the girl took a step back from him.
"I don't know why I'm scared, I just, I- I just wanna, I'm just- I'm sorry. I just need to be away from you. You told me what you think about me, so I'm just gonna-"
She pushed past him, blocking his voice out, and locked herself in the bathroom where she quickly fell asleep.

The Floozy • JJ MAYBANK • Outerbanks
FanfictionAnd this is Paris. Nobody is really sure if she's a kook or a pogue, but either way she's definitely slumming it to be with us. The girl is a female JJ; she's reckless and hooks up with a new guy each night- saying that she does always come home wit...