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"I hate school." Eddie crossed his arms and huffed, his squeaky voice catching Richie's attention immidatly.

"Trust me, we all do." Richie sighs.

"I can't wait for middle school to be over." Eddie whines.

"We're only in the sixth grade, we'll have to wait forever!" Richie lays down on Eddie's bed.

Eddie looked lost in thought.

"Do you... Do you think we'll be friends when we're in high school?" Eddie asks as he sits down on the floor and faced Richie.

"Yeah, I think we'll be friends until we got old and wrinkly." Richie smiles.

"Hey! I won't be wrinkly, you'll be wrinkly!" Eddie teases.

"We can both be wrinkly!" Richie throws a pillow at Eddie.

"Oh, it's on Tozier!" Eddie grabs a pillow and throws it Richie.

This caused a pillow fight that won't leave their minds for a very long time.


Hi! New book! New book! This won't be a fic about kids falling in love cause' that's gross! So, just wait!

Don't forget to comment and give me feedback!


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