Chapter 1

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This story is set in a world where power depends on a name. A name you're not given by your parents, a name that defines your power. A name that has built a new society. A middle name.

Your middle name appears on the underside of your left wrist on your 5th birthday. That's when many lives change.

For the better. Or for the worst.

Izuku Midoriya was a kind kid. He had a best friend and they hoped to be heroes together, a profession that stops the people using the power of their names for evil, by using their own power.
But his 5th birthday changed everything.



"Hah, look at this. Deku's the god of the underworld! He's evil! But of course, he's too weak to be evil! He's useless!"

That day changed my life. Form then on I was ridiculed and called names, bullied and broken. All because of a stupid name!

I'm Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, villain, monster and more.

My middle name is Hades, god if the underworld in Greek mythology.

At first I was really excited. All Might's middle name was Zeus, the king of the gods! But soon I found out that this name wasn't a blessing if enough power to save people and be a hero. No, it is a curse that makes others torment me for having a name.

A name of a fallen god.

I guess I should catch you up on a few things.

The most powerful clan in the world, a clan is a group of people with relating names, is the King's court.
Guess who's the King?

The King's court has gone down in the ages as the most powerful clan. They were always a group of the most promising heroes and they took the hero world by storm.

Society was dependent on power, and that power came from names. Everyone was influenced.

Even though I've constantly been put down, I still want to be a hero.

I pretend that Kacchan's insults and bullying don't effect me, but they do.

Enough explanation.

Watch me and my clan take the hero world into our hands.

-Izuku Midoriya's POV-

The hologram shut off. I was left in a stunned silence.



I actually made it...

A villain like me... gets the chance to be a hero...

All my life... I've been told I couldn't be a hero...
And now I get the chance...

I'm not going to blow it.

I'm going to show the world the powers of Hades.

The power of a fallen god.

Over the years, I have despised my power. I was told by everyone around me that is was villainous, monstrous. Well, everyone except my mum. Her name is Hestia, goddess of the hearth. She's sweet, calm and family. Loved by everybody, she is my polar opposite. I don't know why she puts up with me...

But no matter.

I'll make her proud even if I'm not proud of myself.

Because of this despise, this hate, of my own abilities, I trained them.
Trained them to be less villainous. Trained them to help people.
Of course my bullies never saw that. It's not like I blame them though.

I twirl my green-black hair between my fingers, my expression blank like always after my episode of excited shock.


I dashed through the fake city, shadows and ghosts prodding at my mind. I embraced them as I called shadows to my command. My hands and arms moved in complicated movements as I sent every one of them commands to the robots across the city. I couldn't feel them, as they had no souls, but I could feel their disruption of the earth. If I concentrated really hard, I would be able to feel every soul in the city, but that would leave me drained and out of commission for a while.

Shadows pieces through bot after bot as my hands and fingers moved at inhuman speeds. I had a lot of practice. I moved into an alleyway and climbed an escape ladder to pull myself onto the roof. I had better vision here even if I couldn't sense the tremors the robots make. The running examiners were confusing my senses anyways. I could hear the vague sound of large explosions but put it in the back of my mind.

My hands and mind were still working furiously as I proved to myself that I could use my dark powers for the better of the people around me.

After a few minutes of exhausting commanding, my body and focus was thrown off as a large tremor, even larger for me, rumbled through the city. I could even feel the other grounds'.

I pulled the shadows to me and had them assist in my roof hopping. I ran towards the rumbling, the epicentre of the tremors. I observed from above as every examinee ran away from it. It was the zero pointer, the obstacle. I was about to pull away like everyone else, before a spirit pointed out a soul trapped under rubble. Reflexes a forced into my body sprung into action as I jumped, shadows softening my landing. I gathered more shadows and they obeyed, moving to the girl to try and get her from underneath the rubble. I run, shadows covering my body, forming a black armour. A scythe of shadows materialised in my hand, the souls of the dead forming and collecting within it for me. I jumped, higher than humanly possible, and swung my scythe. A wide arch appeared in a black blur as the robot's soul or core, was ripped from it's body.

I fell after the exhausting attack, the giant robot falling silent and dormant. That attack took all of my last energies, leaving my body free falling as I began losing consciousness. The shadows, free of my influence, slunk back into the alleyways. The girl was free of the rubble but had sprained her ankle.
As my vision dwindled, I scolded myself for my reckless leap, already knowing that it would drain me.

Well, at least she's safe.

That's all that matters

My vision went black

-flashback end-

Afterward, I heard that the girl I saved made me float, overusing her quirk even more. I didn't require any healing other than rest. I have to thank her later.

I open my bedroom door and mum falls onto me. Was she leaning against the door?
"Ah! Sorry Izu! I was just worried. So, did you get in?"
"Yeah." A small smile adorned my usually emotionless face, the smile only my mother sees.
She starts crying and we hug. She can tell what I'm feeling but only her. Guess that's family for you.

"I'm going to UA. I'm actually going to become a hero."
Then the tears started.
I sobbed into my mother's warm embrace, a wide smile on my face.

Maybe things were going to be ok.

The Lost Gods - middle name AUWhere stories live. Discover now