Chapter 4

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"Alright class, we'll be sharing names. You don't have to say, but then your classmates will want to know and you'll be picked clean, so you don't really have a choice I guess."
Jeez, great way to start the day Aizawa.
"Aoyama, you start."
"My middle name is star! Like me!"

This went on. The more noticeable ones were Todoroki being the Jack from the King's court, Iida being the Knight of the King's court among a few other more well known names.
"As a few of you extras already know, I'm the King, so bow down to your ruler."
That started a few whispers but they were silenced by an irritated Aizawa.
Bakugo scoffed. I kept my eyes down.
"My name is Hades."
That started even more whispers than Bakugo as I deflated, knowing everyone was going to hate me now.
"I'm Hypnos."
My head shot up out of my arms and I looked back at my guild-mate. He was staring right back at me.
Aizawa's voice snapped me back to the present.
"Queen, of the King's court."
Ah, the Queen. It seems we have the royals.

"Alright, you all know about guilds I presume so I'll keep this short. You'll be doing hero practice within your guilds next lesson. Some of your guild mates are in the other hero class, so we'll be practising with them. For now, find guild mates in this class. I'm going to sleep." And with that, Aizawa dropped like the caterpillar he is. It's times like this I question whether he really is Thanatos.
Talk began. People herded together and Bakugo got up to join his guild, his Knight, Jack and Queen greeting him politely. Everyone stayed far away from me.

I turned to my only guild mate. He was once again staring right at me.
"You're in my guild."
"Mhm. And you're the Leader."
I grimaced.
"So we need Janus and Nyx. Aizawa told me that they're both in 1-B so we'll meet them tomorrow."
"Aizawa told you?"
"He's Thanatos."
I glanced at everyone around us. They were all on the other side of the room. I saw a few people eyeing us.
"Looks like you're an outcast like me."
"Always have been."
We shared looks, the masks of emotion flickering off. We...

We've been through the same thing...


No one should go through what I did.
I will stop this.

I'll make a safe haven for those rejected by society.
I looked through his dull eyes, through to the pain. The pain of the tormented. The pain of the rejected. The pain of a dark god.

I will build a clan, a clan for the rejected. The guild of the fallen. The lost gods is a guild for the powerful, and the forgotten. The fallen will be a clan for everyone. A new community.
A safe haven.
I will build it.
And of course I'll need help.

(Note: a clan is a group of people under the rule of a guild. The clan is usually built and recruited by the guild members but members of the clan can recruit people as well.)

"Want to meet up with the others at lunch?"
"If we can find them." He deadpans.
We were just talking until the bell wrung and the next class began.
I will make this utopia. And I will make it with my guild.

We will build a new society.

-time skip-

Shinso sat across from me as we ate lunch, casually chatting between mouthfuls. Two people then walked over to our table. I looked up, my expression impassive. There was a blonde with blue eyes, glaring at us almost condescendingly. Next to him stood a guy with pitch black skin and white hair.
"Kuroiro and Monoma?"
"That's us." The white-haired guy said.
"Names? Like, we don't know who is who."
"I'm Monoma, that's Kuroiro." The blonde said.
"You guys know about guilds?" Shinso asked.
"Of course." the blonde scoffed.
"Do you know what guild you guys are in?"
"We aren't in a guild?..." Kuroiro responded.
"Yes you are." I said.
They eyed us, confused.
"Sit, I'll explain."

"So... we're part of a really powerful guild, and not alone and isolated like we have been all our lives..."
I nodded.
"I call bullshit."
I sigh, tugging off the cloth I had wrapped around my wrist.

The one with my middle name on it.
I had always kept the cloth around it.

I hated it.

I hated my name.

But I had to accept it.

So I tried.

I released the wrist of its usual white covering and offered the name written on it permanently, to the blonde across from me.

"How much torment do you think I went through for this name?"

He just gaped at me. He couldn't speak.


"How much torment Janus?"

He flinched at the use of his middle name.

"10 years Janus. 10 years. 10 years of name calling, of belittling, of bullying, of pain. 10 years of being alone. And after the decade of pain, I find a guild? A supposed family filled with powerful people. People who know what I've been through.
I wouldn't lie to you Janus. If anyone would lie, it's you. I just want a family who understand me and won't hate me for being powerful, the god of the underworld. So..."
My voice began to crack as walls fell in front of this boy. Mental walls I had put up to protect myself from hurt.
Voices prodded at my mind but they were forced down under the weight of my falling walls and building emotions after years of neglect.

I could feel myself tearing up.

"P-please, just, please... h-help me... help me build a clan where no one will go through what I went through, what we went through. Help me build a society where everyone is accepted. Please... let me build my family. Let me build a utopia."

By now tears were streaming down my face, my head hanging as my hands tried to stem the furious flow of salt water.
I looked up through filmed eyes, everything out of focus. But I could make out one thing, well three. The three boys around me were crying with me.
I smiled slightly under the tears, the rare occurrence bursting out as the boys around me reciprocated the emotions we hadn't felt for a long time.

"Do you believe me now?"

Monoma could only nod.

"Come on, we're training in guilds tomorrow so we'll be together."
"How do you want to build that sort of utopia." Monoma croaked out.
"We save them, one at a time. We stop power discrimination. We give hope to those abandoned by society. We build a city. It'll be a lot of work and you don't have to..."
"I'm in." Monoma.
"Me too." Kuroiro.
"You think I wasn't?"
I smiled. A genuine, large smile. It strained my face as it had been a while.

"Then let's build this utopia. Let's build the clan of the fallen."

The Lost Gods - middle name AUWhere stories live. Discover now