Chapter 14

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Warm yellow and orange rays hit the cerulean glass of the sparkling UA building, the beams fracturing as they filter inside. The halls were barren, excluding one figure staring at the changing sky.
Soon pinks join the display, clouds turning the same orange-pink, as the sun sets. On the day of the sports festival.

Izuku Midoriya stood before the glass windows, watching as the sun continued to set, just standing as the sky fades to purple. A sigh escaped his lips, tired but with satisfaction.

He had done it.

He'd made his mark.


"Hey Shinso."

Violet irises trailed over the greenette's lone figure, shadowed in the light of the setting sun.

"You did good today."

"We did good today."

The purple boy approached the thoughtful teen, stopping next to him and staring out across the city, watching as the sky slowly faded, black-blue joining the swirl of colour that came with sunset.

It was tranquil.



"... I think I like you." Shinso said, blunt as ever, gaze travelling to the floor the only sign of nervousness.

Widening green eyes flickered across to the purplette before crinkling with a soft smile. His gaze returned to the sky.

"I think I like you too."

Shinso looked up, his neck almost popping with the speed. His violet gaze trailed over the side profile of his partner. Green eyes had gained a bright quality, displaying emotion better than he had for 10 years. They twinkled with a tiredness yet overpowering joy clouded that exhaustion.

"... you do know what I mean don't you?"

"YES I DO!!" Izuku barked at the boy, the other chuckling at the blushing outburst.

"You're just so oblivious sometimes."

Izuku just sighed, knowing the other wasn't wrong.

Green snapped back to lock on to violet, seeming to get lost in the eyes of the one he had fallen for.

"So, are we boyfriends now?"

Shinso just smiled, the uncommon expression even more beautiful on the teen in Izuku's opinion.


Two set of eyes turned back to the fading sky, blue-black taking over the sky as lights twinkled to life, lighting up the city splayed before them, for the Gods to observe.

"Can I walk you home?"

"Sure, can I call you Hitoshi?"

"If I can call you Izuku."

The two finally moved from their spots, heading home after one of the most influential days of their lives.

And no one would know if a pale and scarred hand slid into a warmer, larger one.


Shinso stood before an apartment complex, on his phone as it dinged with a received message. He smiled at the words upon his screen and looked up to see a certain greenette, walking towards him, phone in hand, smile upon his face.

"Why did you want to walk me to school?" Izuku asked, sliding his phone into his pocket and taking Shinso's hand in his.

"I wanted to walk my boyfriend to school." He drawled, yawning. Izuku chuckled softly, reaching back into his obnoxiously yellow backpack, pulling out a thermos.

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