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Within the fire realm Pyresus, and certain parts of Dinm, there are creatures which are attuned to, and often made of fire. Dubbed "Flamekin", these creatures vary in temperament, magical vs physical capability, intellect, etc... The most commonly known Flamekin are Beathach'Teine, Cherufe, Efreeti, Fire Giants, Flametoads, Ignids, Lava Squids, Phoenixes, Salamanders, and Xiulcoatl. Below are detailed the physicalities, capabilities, and further important information of each species.

The Beathach'Teine are wild, antelope-esque creatures which have long, straight horns. These horns, along with their mane, hooves, and tail, are cloaked in unrelenting flame. Although quite dangerous, they are some of the basest prey within Pyresus; with many other creatures and the occasional humanoid hunter stalking it that they may dine on its pre-cooked, tender meat.

The Cherufe, or Magma Man, is a colossal, semi-humanoid being made of molten hot magma. Adorned with four horns, two on each side of its head, the Cherufe wields a 20 foot battleaxe, made of superheated basalt alloy. A fearsome combatant, the Cherufe can wipe a battalion of soldiers, or a group of roughly 2-4 fire giants, in one fell swoop.

The Efreeti, or Fire Djinns, appear as roughly 8 foot tall, red and black, muscular men; with curved horns, and a lower body made of fire which spirals in a slight tornado shape to hover above the ground. The Efreeti are known to grant wishes, but only to the rashest of men. Empires have fallen and wars have been won by the wish of an Efreeti. The Efreeti wield powerful fire magic besides, and are quick to anger.

Fire Giants are enormous, roughly 40 feet in height. They have reddish orange skin, and are immune to fire. They often keep busy with mining and smithing. Their fierce strength, immense size, and enduring tenacity makes them an incredibly difficult foe to fell.

Flametoads are large toads, roughly 10 feet around, with red, white and yellow spots, razor sharp teeth and a back wreathed in flame. Flametoads can catch prey from 20 feet away with their incredibly long, absurdly adhesive tongues. Once caught by the tongue, escape is nearly impossible for most.

Ignids, better known as Flame Nymphs, are faelike creatures of fire. Appearing as a beautiful woman with skin tones ranging from red to orange to white. They are wrapped in flame, and can hop into and out of lava, becoming part of it for a time, feeding it and on it, a symbiotic relationship. They are fiercely protective and incredibly brash; and wield powerful fire magic.

Lava squids are squids, orange and red in coloration, with razor sharp teeth and fire-spitting capabilities. They live in lava streams, and are highly susceptible to the water element. If one should fall into a body of water, they will be petrified into stone within 5 minutes.

Phoenixes are large, fiery bird creatures. They are highly intelligent for beasts, and it is said their tears have restorative properties, and that a single phoenix feather can bring back the freshly fallen. When a phoenix dies, its ashes reform into an egg, which will incubate naturally of its own fiery heat, and hatch after a day into a newly formed phoenix.

Salamanders are fire spirits which appear as a small, lizardlike being made entirely of fire and often smoking a hookah. Wielding powerful fire magic, the salamander can bestow its power to a humanoid they deem worthy; forming a bond with the individual and granting them fire magic, or enhancing what fire magic they already have.

Xiulcoatl, or fire snakes, are 20 foot long snakes wreathed in flame along their body. They can sometimes speak, and have sharp fangs which can administer a powerful venom which causes a rapidly worsening burning sensation, until finally, if left untreated for about 3 hours, the victim literally bursts into flame.

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