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I had closed my eyes in the car and without knowing I fell asleep while resting my head on Taeyong's shoulders.

I woke up see  myself back to Taeyong's room and someone had changed my clothes .
I woke up and sat down on the bed I was feeling very week and my legs were so swore .

I looked up to see Taeyong dozing off in the sofa "He must have been really tired .I stood and walked towards him with a blanket and put it over him ,as I was about to walk away he grabbed my wrist making me fall on top of him and put his hands on my waist securing me so that I don't fall off .He looked at me for a straight minute without breaking the intense eye contact between us .

suddenly he rolled me upside down and now he was on top of me out bodies slammed together and our faces to close that we could hear out breathings. Suddenly he smashed his lips into mine aggressively kissing me ,while cupping my face with one hand and using the other one to travel every part of my upper body .I was not in the state of doing it again do I wanted stop him by trying to speaking between our intense kiss but he was strong enough to keep me in his grip .I started pushing him only to go in vain. he broke the kiss and I gasped for air while he started unbottoning his shirt and before he could go any further I spoke .

Y/N:Taeyong please lets not do it now I am not feeling so well .

He came forward again only keeping inches apart from our lips resting his forehead on mine.

TAEYONG : No Y/N I want you now .
Y/N: Please understand Taeyong.

Now with out waiting a minute he ripped off my clothes and without a warning entering inside of me thrusting at his full speed .
my body went all numb and my mind went blank and tears started coming down my eyes I could not take the pain and held his shoulders in pain and pushing my nails hard as the pain was hitting me and sratched his shoulders but even that did not bother him .After a few miutes we came together and he pulled out we were out off breathe but I did not hate him for the pain as he was my husband not another man and I know he went all rough with me because he was angry at Jaehyun for touching me .

He then looked up to me ad gave me a peck and spoke.

TAEYONG : I am sorry I did not mean to put you into soo much pain its all because of Jaehyun thinking of him about what he did to you Makes me soo furious I will  be carefull not to hurt you or give pain ever again.

Y/N: Hmm its ok I understand.**smile**
TAEYONG: Look what you did to me **pointing at his scar**
Y/N: Hehehee
TAEYONG : What are you huh !! A cat. **laughs **

With that he got off me and went to the bathroom to take a shower .
while I put myself together and also took a shower and put one some clothes on:

while I put myself together and also took a shower and put one some clothes on:

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We then went down stairs to have dinner.while we were having dinner he signalled his secretary something and his secretary gave him a beautiful box he then took my hand and opened the box and inside was a beautiful pair of rings :

while we were having dinner he signalled his secretary something and his secretary gave him a beautiful box he then took my hand and opened the box and inside was a beautiful pair of rings :

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he took one of the rings and put it on my finger I was astonished and surprised at this side of his.He then gave the other ring to me and I happily put it on his finger. He smiled at me proudly and stood up and took another box from his Secretary's hand and went behind me and spoke:

TAEYONG : close your eyes for a second .
Y/N: why
TAEYONG : just close you will get to know soon

I did as I was told and closed my eyes and i could feel him putting something aroud my neck and then fixing my hair back I opened my eyes to see a beautiful necklace around my neck .I stood up and hugged him and thanked him and gave him a peck on his lips .

I stood up and hugged him and thanked him and gave him a peck on his lips

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TAEYONG : So we are now officially husband and wife .Should we call our friends tonight and celebrate with them and set the date for our wedding ceremony soon .
Y/N: Sure we will get married soon but for today let's call our friends and celebrate I can't wait to meet the maknaes and y/n/f.

                       ***TO BE CONTINUED***

                   -END OF CHAPTER TEN -

THE MAFIA KING-A LEE TAEYONG FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now