16. Shiratorizawa vs. Karasuno Part 3

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Shortly after Tsukki joined the game, Karasuno quickly won the forth set. Before they knew it, the fifth and final one came around, but before it started, Suga and Kageyama switched so that their main setter could rest.

"You got this, Kōish-kun!" Selene encouraged.

"Y-yeah!" He stuttered a reply.

Though, when entering, he began to do what Selene did at the start of the game and smack some encouragement into them. From the sidelines, Tadashi and Selene try to hold in a laugh before seeing their team relax. As the game started, the points were neck in neck with each other. Karasuno called a time out after seeing a point difference start to happen against them. This was to help cool the team off if only a moment. Looking over, Selene notice Suga was nervously trying to warm his hands up by blowing on them. His eyes were closed and had a hard express on his eyebrows. Suddenly, warm hands rested onto his, making his chocolate eyes open with curiosity. Meeting the worried blue eyes of Selene, his mouth slightly gaped open before nonsense began to spew out of it.

"S-SELENE-KUN! P-PLEASE WAIT TO MARRY ME-" He shouted out of no where.

Though, the female was used to respones like this when either her or Kiyoko showed affection towards them. His face was completely flushed and surprised.

"I'm not marrying you," Selene sighed as she let go with a slight blush of her own.

Suddenly, like a pack of wolves, she watched her older classmen go after Suga, trying to hold his hand saying how it wasn't fair that he had her scent on his hands. Selene slightly smiled, seeing her team gain their silly antics back. After the break, Selene was called over to the bench.

"Your gonna go in for Tanaka, I need you to change that point difference," he explained, handing her a sign with the nunber 5 on it.

Standing up, the whistle blew, gaining the teams attention. Surprised, Tanaka came running over and grabbed the sign out of the females hand.

"You got this!" He encouraged as Selene took back middle.

Suga glanced over and gave a smile while Selene returned it with a smirk. Watching the other team send a serve over, Selene quickly dug it up with a full body dive.

"Nice one!" Noya encouraged.

Pushing her arms up, she watched Suga send a perfect set to Hinata. It was as if he was in slow motion, sending a new feeling into Selene system. The sweat that danced off his skin, made it look as if he was glowing. She quickly came back to reality as Hinata scores a point.

"Yus!" Selene praises.

"Nice, Hinata!" Daichi adds.

"Push it, push it, Shoyuo!" The crowd cheered.

"Awe yeah!" Hinata boosted.

This time, it was Daichi's turn to serve. Sending it over, it was quickly sent back over with a dugged up spike.

"Sugawara!" Daichi called.

Positioning himself under the ball, he felt the wind shift infront of him. Quickly looking over, Selene was already in the air as the ball was sent her way. Her hair flew back in a line, really showing off her mohawk. With a yell, lightening hit the floor, rocking the other teams world with the hawks power spike. Landing, she watches as Suga and Daichi share a chest bump as Hinata pats the females back in praise. Tied with points, Suga was finally subbed out for Kageyama for the last time. Everyone watched in Anticipation until Karasuno was finally at match point. Anxiously, Selene watches Hinata's spike come back over.

"Selene!" Tadashi and Suga called from the player box, watching the ball go over the court bounds.

"Oh hell no!" She yelled, following the ball back.

Jumping forward into the blue barriers, Selene successfully saved the ball and sent it back towards her team but not without tumbling. Her back hit the barriers, completely taking them out before she scrambled to her feet with anger. Though, the female didn't have to worry, seeing Kageyama and Hinata's quick attack. Though, her eyes widen in realization. They were going to nationals. In surprise, it took the referee a second to blow the whistle, letting the whole gym know Karasuno had won. The crowd was silent before Karasuno's support team cheered. Looking over to his right, Daichi gave Asahi a wide eyed look before they shared a brotherly hug. Suga joined them as tears ran down the three third years eyes. They shouted in joy, knowing their dream finally came true. They were heading to nationals.

Infront of the net, Kageyama, Hinata, and Tsukki were takled to the ground by the rest of their team. The third years joined the pile, leaving Selene to fade into her own emotions. Realizing someone was missing, her teammates looked at her unreadable expression before her mouth turned downwards. Biting her lip, Selene stared at her team as tears of joy fell, followed by a sob. With her arms spread out, Selene took a running jump towards her teammates.

"You guys!" She shouted as they all opened their arms towards the female.

"Selene-san!" They responded as she joined the pile on the floor.

Selene cried into Hinata and Tanaka's arms as they were the main ones to catch the female. Karasuno's team cried in victory, knowing their dream became reality.

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