Chapter 34: Fights, threats, and a broken nose make for a messy DX

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       At the sound of my brother's voice, I froze. My mind was screaming directions to my body faster than I could fully register them. Should I slam the door and barricade myself in? Do I stay put, exactly as am, and pray he leaves soon without hearing me? Or should I put my fears behind me, stay in character, and handle this like the Winston I'm masquerading as would?

       Another loud crash - the distinct sound of items falling to the ground made my mind up for me. My fear drained from my body and a surge of courage propelled me to swing the door open, uncaring of the consequences. With my fear gone, the old me was back. The one fiercely protective of her friends, unafraid of trouble if it meant doing the right thing, and willing to do whatever was needed to defend my friends.

       "The hell is goin' on out here." My head held high, I quickly assessed the scene before me. His blade flipped open but hidden behind the counter, Johnny was standing defensively at the register. While they had discarded their employee positions behind the counter, likely still aware they'd get fired for fighting on the clock, Soda and Steve were both leaning against the counter. Cooly staring at two soc's who were glaring right back at them. And, unsurprisingly, the chaos that had spurred my bravery was caused by the two most arrogant and overconfident males I knew. The only difference, I loved one of them like a brother and the other was my brother. Now caught in a stare off, Bryce and Dal both had hands clenched into fists at their sides. Cheap candy and snacks, as well as the display shelves they'd been stacked on, were littered around the ground - giving me a clear idea of the fight I'd missed.

       "You break it, you buy it. Store policy is simple like that." Strolling over to the register, I lightly brushed my shoulder against Johnny's. "And don't think that rule doesn't apply to you cuz."

    "Who the hell's the broad?" Momentarily forgetting their need to compulsively stare down Soda and Steve, Bryce's two Soc followers broke eye contact to look me over instead.

       "I don't know man, but damn she'd be hot if she wasn't a grease." An involuntary shudder ran through me as I was subjected to their leary gazes, but I did my best to mask it. Dal's back tightened at the comment, a fact clearly seen through his tight shirt, but he didn't dare take his eyes of Bryce.

       "You best watch what you say about my girl." Before I could react, an arm snaked around my waist and the next thing I knew I was snuggled tightly next to Johnny. The creepily flirtatious soc smirked. Ignoring what I could only guess were murderous glares from Soda and Steve, he sauntered over to the counter. Leaning forward, elbow on the surface, he rested his hand on one head and boldly used the other to grab a few strands of my hair.

       "Ya know, I've always had a thing for rebels. What do you say you dump the grease and let me show you a good time?" My eyes narrowed. Typically, I'd feel a slap was justified but I knew I couldn't risk my job by losing my cool. Left only to my wits, I knew the rep of the Winston name relied on what I did next.

       Fluttering my eyelashes, I plastered a large smile on my face. Resisting the urge to gag at his pungent odor, I slowly leaned forward.

       "Ya wanna know what I've always had a thing for?" His impossibly large smirk grew even bigger as he moved in closer so we were inches apart. Making sure to lower my voice to a whisper, I breathed into his ear as I said, "showing trash like you the door so you can throw yourself out and save me the time. You mind being a doll and helpin' me out? The doors behind you and the dumpsters out back."

     "You bitch." Before he had the chance to act, I rammed the top of my head straight into his nose. Ignoring the slight pounding in my head, and the blood gushing from his face, I pulled away and leaned right back into Johnny.

       "Oopsie, I am so sorry, I just tripped. I can be such a clutz sometimes." Letting my Soc voice out, I threw in a fake giggle and side of sarcasm to get my point across. "And I don't know who you think you're calling bitch. My names Winston, Alex Winston to be exact." Any friendliness, real or fake, disappeared from my tone real fast.

       "Alex you say? Isn't that a boys names?" Bryce's voice made me snap my attention away from the boy I head butted, who was desperately trying to get the bleeding to stop. When Bryce and I made eye contact, i felt the corner of my lips rise into a smirk at the sight of bruise already forming under his right eye.

      "Only if you're a misogynistic asshole, which, given the looks of you I'm betting you are. And I gotta say, after the shiner my cousin over there musta just givin' you, I'm shocked you ain't more worried I'm about to come give you a matching one."

       The tension was suffocating, but I refused to break eye contact first. Finally, Bryce caved.

       "Come on boys, let's beat it. We got better places to be than this dump." Even as they turned to walk out, none of us shifted from our positions. With mumbles and glares shot our way first, Bryce's accomplices walked out. Following closely behind them, Bryce went to leave but paused partway through the exit. Glancing over his shoulder, he made eye contact with me one last time.

       "Just like your pathetic friends, you best watch your back, Alex." And with that, he was gone - his same threat as that night once again hanging in the air.

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