4-Trust no one but yourself

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she used to tell me to always watch my back and trust nobody but myself. "don't ever trust anyone so easily especially when you live with a man like him." "don't let them have a hold on you, they'll abuse you for their own good." "don't let them get to close to you, your privacy will be your number 1 strength."

who would have known those words would make so much sense to her now. she wondered how much her life would've changed if she respected those rules without a doubt, she wishes she could have started everything over again and listen to her mother's precious words to save herself.

— — — — —

—monday, 1pm

"what the fuck happened?!" yoongi shouts out furious, running up quickly to his private room, his right and left arm following him, jimin and namjoon.

"im sorry if i knew something like this would happen.."

"if you knew what, jimin? nobody could have known someone would follow us in that damn house and take picture of us without our acknowledgement." the ceo reassures him taking a cig out of his little drawer, stressed and anxious to have been played like that.

"can someone tell me exactly what happened i knew i should have gone instead of him."
namjoon speaks up unfazed by the other's presence.

"namjoon shut up its not my fault this time." jimin responds annoyed to be accused like that.

"we were visiting that one house i told you earlier for mrs kim's residence but a certain someone managed to follow us inside the damn place and take pictures of jimin and her, editing me out..probably to make it seems like.." the ceo starts narrating but gets cut off.

"..she was cheating on yoongi with me, which is fucking fucked up and the pictures are already all over naver and melon's main page this is a nightmare." jimin complains finishing off the story.

he walks past namjoon to take out a cigarette for himself and sit on the table, feeling toned and nervous suddenly.

namjoon watches them both get all heat up, rolling his eyes at the ceiling "and who the hell cares? why are you guys reacting like kids?"

"namjoon do you even understand the situation?" his boss asks him, annoyed at his indifference.

"yes they tried to attack miss jennie kim and? unfortunate, but you don't even appear on them pictures neither do you jimin we only see your back and blond hair so what's the matter? they are not trying to attack you they're attacking her."

"oh so you saw the pictures, you knew exactly what was happening." jimin interrupts peaking at the taller man.

"you really don't understand what's going on do you?" min claps back to his assistant "they're trying to come at me trough her and that's when it becomes my business." he stands up walking to his widow, watching seoul trough their magical view.

"them dogs out there are trying to test me and think im losing my fame and notoriety when it's just making me more angry for power..we need to find whoever gave this order to spy on me because it's definitely someone close to us then they'll be dead men."

"yoongi what tells you it wasn't just a pathetic saesang i've heard she had a lot of them." jimin question finally lighting up his cigarette.

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