12-To stay away from her

514 22 2

trigger warnings: death :(

— — — —

—a day ago.

the two men take seat around a small wooden table. one, the older, takes out a smoke from his pocket while the other, the younger, impatiently starts questioning about their next move, surely a bit nervous.

"what tells you he won't decide to release her pictures and ruin her career?"

the older inhales a drag of his smoke, taking his precious time not minding the obvious concern of the younger, before replying with certainty. "he won't. he likes her."

"im not that sure anymore, he never cared about anyone but himself!"

"i know. but those type of men only have one woman that truly wins their heart in their lives and 99% of the time they will put them above everything else including their businesses. she won his heart, he would never let us release her pictures."

"great? so we just have to publish his pictures to the press then, why ask him to choose?"

"because we won't. it won't be enough. what will he get? people pitying him for losing his mother? others making fun of him? but then what? everything will get back to normal. and that's not what we want, right?"

"yeah, then what do you want?! what is the fucking plan you—" the man stops himself before cursing the older.

which the latter just laughs, amused. "you still don't get it." he slowly gets up from his chair while breathing deeply, "targeting her, this woman..what was her name again..jennie? targeting jennie, with this ultimatum, triggered him more than you think. he'll act impulsively, rashly, without even thinking for some mere revenge. he will make a wrong move and the minute he makes that move...we'll make sure to publicize it, plaster it on every big news of asia. and just like that, he would've ruined his own, damn, career."

the younger male finally escapes a grin, "viewed like this, it looks quite easy."

"because it is. a man in love is automatically, an easy pray." he stubs out his cigarette in the ashtray of his desk and stands up to leave.

— — — —


"be careful, min.." jennie warns him, forcing herself to let go of his hand "and come back to me tonight."

yoongi does as such and drops her hand, looking straight into her eyes. "i will be back for midnight."

"you better be." she ends, before they part ways and he leaves the piano room.

yoongi was driving back to his office. trying to put all his focus on the ultimatum jin gave him. he takes a look at his clock and it' was already late in the afternoon, he needed to speed up if he wanted to find a way out before tomorrow or jennie's childhood past along with the pictures of him mourning his mother would be all over the news as soon as he wakes up.

he realized that the only person he knows that could tell him everything about this man was kwon. the bastard that he didn't hold dear to his heart after their last encounter, but also the only one that had a direct contact with the man himself. he didn't think he'd have to come this far but he had no other choices.

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